Well, I definately think Crescelia and Darkrai will get a movie toghether (one is dreams, one is nightmares).
Be awesome to get stuff like in that Johto Unknown episode. Look into the depths of the mind, and peoples worst fears!
Ash's worst fear is inevitably the feeling he gets when he is around those very pretty boys, Hikari, Misty, and May. Why do they have such weird bumps on them? Why do I feel a sudden rush of blood....into my nose? (anime characters have nose bleeds!).
Hikari's is NOT being "dai jo bu!", because that downright sucks! I hope I never am "not dai jo bu!".
Team Rocket is strucken with the fear of being.....cut, knowing that their contracts on the show could run out with Team Galaxy and DAMN Akeji and all. I mean, ratings show that Bowl Cuts attract more viewers!
Brock's would be...like, not doing anything...which, he does now, so Darkrai has NO effect on him, and it is up to him, Greggle, and Bonsly to kick *** and take names! He is about to deliver the final blow to Darkrai, and it then finnaly finds his worst fear...PROFFESOR IVY! Strucken with sudden pain and sorrow, Brock finnaly gets over her and KILLS Darkrai with a Kamehaha!
Oh, and Hiidoran will be put in this movie for kicks since that Pokemon sucks and is liked by no one, since it doesn't seem to be able to do anything but dig holes and stuff.