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Poll: Which legendary will star in the 10th Pokemon Movie? (WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS)

Which legendary Pokemon do you think will star?

  • Arserus

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • Dialga and/or Palkia

    Votes: 16 38.1%
  • Hiidoran

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Yuxie, Emirit, and/or Agnome

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Regigigasu

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Darkrai

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Sheimi

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Giratina

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Creseria

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fione

    Votes: 2 4.8%

  • Total voters

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
Okay, in actuality, you can't answer this question as a fact, but which 4th generation Pokemon do you think will star? And, you can say more than one.


I think Darkrai, Alseus and Sheimi are too important, Kureseira... dunno, but it doesn't fit for a movie, Hiidoran doesn't have a real story neither, Giradina comes with Dialga and Palkia in a Anime show, and so will the Trio be. Darkrai just fits for a movie =|


Emperor Coordinator
Hasn't it been confirmed that diaruga will be in this movie?

Korobooshi Kojiro

Well, I definately think Crescelia and Darkrai will get a movie toghether (one is dreams, one is nightmares).

Be awesome to get stuff like in that Johto Unknown episode. Look into the depths of the mind, and peoples worst fears!

Ash's worst fear is inevitably the feeling he gets when he is around those very pretty boys, Hikari, Misty, and May. Why do they have such weird bumps on them? Why do I feel a sudden rush of blood....into my nose? (anime characters have nose bleeds!).

Hikari's is NOT being "dai jo bu!", because that downright sucks! I hope I never am "not dai jo bu!".

Team Rocket is strucken with the fear of being.....cut, knowing that their contracts on the show could run out with Team Galaxy and DAMN Akeji and all. I mean, ratings show that Bowl Cuts attract more viewers!

Brock's would be...like, not doing anything...which, he does now, so Darkrai has NO effect on him, and it is up to him, Greggle, and Bonsly to kick *** and take names! He is about to deliver the final blow to Darkrai, and it then finnaly finds his worst fear...PROFFESOR IVY! Strucken with sudden pain and sorrow, Brock finnaly gets over her and KILLS Darkrai with a Kamehaha!

Oh, and Hiidoran will be put in this movie for kicks since that Pokemon sucks and is liked by no one, since it doesn't seem to be able to do anything but dig holes and stuff.


Well-Known Member
i think it will be aresus, darkai, sheimi,regigas,parukia, diaruga, and creseria


Contaminated KFC
It'll be Darkrai.
a.) It's the first unobtainable in the pokédex.
b.) They ALWAYS use the lure of a chance to get unobtainables to sell movie tickets.
c.) They're saving Sheimi, the cute marketable hedgehog, for when the DP boom starts to simmer down.
d.) Anyone who doesn't think one of the unobtainables will star in this is an idiot.

I didn't know Creselia and Darkrai were connected until Koji pointed it out, so I guess it's pretty damn likely that Creselia will be the token 'lesser' legendary to make it into the film.


Well-Known Member
i think it'll be Darkrai for the reasons Gravy stated.


Well-Known Member
Diarugia/Parukia. everything i heard about on the 10th movie said they'd be in it.

Sweet Pinpuku

Happy Happiny
I think it'll be Regigias, along with the other 3 legendaries. I think so cos, the latest movie with Manaphy featured Kyogre, so I thought they'd probably do one for a D/P Pokémon featureing Groudon and Hiidoran, but I think a big Regi movie is more likely.

Shiny pokemon lover

Shiny pokemon hunter
I think Diaruga and Parukia will be in the movie, mabye the psychic trio too.
Arserus will get his own movie later.
I don't think Fione will get one. It should have been in the Manaphy movie.

Latias Fan

Do i care? NO!
It'll be Darkrai.
a.) It's the first unobtainable in the pokédex.

i thibk its very unlikely it doesent matter whether its the first unobtainable pokemon in D/P and look at movie 8 , lucario isnt really classified as a legendary , anyways im possitive its areseus;493;
Anyone who voted Diaruga/Parukia really wasn't thinking straight.
They'll appear in the show, not the movies, because they are integral to Team Galaxy, which will be the major antagonists of the Shinou saga.
Just based on the whole Spain thing, I predict Hiidoran.
Oh, and Hiidoran will be put in this movie for kicks since that Pokemon sucks and is liked by no one, since it doesn't seem to be able to do anything but dig holes and stuff.
I like it. :(


Contaminated KFC
i thibk its very unlikely it doesent matter whether its the first unobtainable pokemon in D/P and look at movie 8 , lucario isnt really classified as a legendary , anyways im possitive its areseus;493;
Well, I thibk you need to thibk about it a little harder. The Lucario movie also featured Mew, who at the time was...get ready for this...the only unobtainable remaining! And of course, the only way to GET Mew was to buy a movie ticket.

And the rest of my argument still stands. If it isn't Darkrai, I'll be shocked. It's the most logical choice~


Perverted Ash fan
Since Palkia and Dialga are shoved so much down our throats that we can smell them when we let loose a wind, I think they're likely to be features in the first D/P movie.

Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if the writers kept those two only for the series and the rest for the movies. Or both. Blah!
I think it will be either Darkrai or Shemi.
Darkrai for most of the reasons already said. And Shemi because it would be funny to see it looking evil.