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Poll: who do you think is better don zoolag or.......

who do you think is better don zoolag or cliff the trap remover?

  • don zoolag

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • cliff the trap remover

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
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Who do you think is better don zoolag cliff the trap remover?
Keep in mind the new dark world monster take advantage of don.

Cliff the Trap Remover - DR1-EN133 Rarity Atk Def Type Sub Type Attr Lvl
Non-Holo 1200 1000 Effect Monster Warrior Dark 3
Cliff the Trap Remover DR1-EN133 Non-Holo
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects: ?Destroy 1 Spell Card or Trap Card on the field; ?Send 2 cards from top of your opponent's Deck to his/her Graveyard.

DB2-EN228 Don Zaloog
Strength: Warrior/Effect Level 4 ATK/1400 DEF/1500
Description: When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of teh following effects:
Select 1 card from your opponent's hand randomly and discard it to the Graveyard.
Send 2 cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.
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Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
rsano33 said:
Who do you think is better don zoolag cliff the trap remover?

You would do better to not copy information from a second-rate site's tables...

Cliff the Trap Remover
ATK-1200 DEF-1000
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:
*Destroy 1 Spell Card or Trap Card on the field
*Send 2 cards from top of your opponent's Deck to his/her Graveyard.

Don Zaloog
ATK-1400 DEF-1500
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:
*Select 1 card from your opponent's hand randomly and discard it to the Graveyard.
*Send 2 cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.

Personally, I like Don better; if I actually had one, I'd slap it right into my Discard deck.

The Requiem

The Don shines better in warrior decks, rather than mills, b/c mill decks do better with things that discard without dong damage, like Card Destruction, and the Morphing Jars.

The Don is better overall. Regardless of the Dark World monsters, not everyone runs a Dark World deck, so...


yea but i think alot of people are gonna start runnin a gold or silver if they have a dark world deck or not


<-Don't wake him up!
Don Zaloog hands down. It's great; it can really disturb your opponent's strategy by attacking their hand. Plus Cliff's effect won't go through if it gets smacked by something like Sakuretsu or Magic Cylinder; it's kind of a risk IMO to attack with Cliff while your opponent has 1 or more face down spell/traps on the field.
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