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Master Mewtwo

Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
In order to Summon Blue-Eyes Ultamite Dragon you must fuse 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons, but I was wondering if you can only use one and use two other Fusion Material Monsters like Goddes with the Third Eye, or does it have to be 2 Blue-Eyes White Dragons.

Master Mewtwo


<-Don't wake him up!
I believe that it has to be 2 Blue Eyes and one of those (goddess with a 3rd eye type cards) to fusion summon it properly w/o the 3rd blue eyes. Of course there are other alternatives to being it out w/o polymerization:
Cyber Stein
The Summoner of Illusions
Dragon's Mirror
Light Hex Sealed Fusion
Fusion Gate :-/


I personally love Summoner of Illusions, but only if you're summoning it for Shining Dragon. (Summon, replace with Shining.)

Some say it's not as good because it decreases the amount of dragons in the Graveyard, but if you run a Dragon deck, then you really should have a decent amount in your Graveyard anyway.


<-Don't wake him up!
Alfonso said:
I personally love Summoner of Illusions, but only if you're summoning it for Shining Dragon. (Summon, replace with Shining.)

Some say it's not as good because it decreases the amount of dragons in the Graveyard, but if you run a Dragon deck, then you really should have a decent amount in your Graveyard anyway.
That is actually a brilliant idea.
True, it won't get much attack power from its 1st effect but its attack will be at the very least a good 3300 and its secondary effect still goes through(the most important one IMO), and best of all, it stays on the field. ;-D

Tip The Waitress

Nooo! I'm too young!
i think u need all 3 cards. you notice on old cards it just says this + that.
Now it says under that in fusion cards, "this monster can only be summoned by using so&so above" or something like that. The point was to get all 3 blue-eyes anyway, because the monster it made was so uber at the time, and making it harder to summon so it wouldn't be broken.
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