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pomeg berry

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Lugia Aeroblast

FR E-4champ 23:56:33
ive been hearing about a pomeg glitch, but no one will tell me what it is and i cant find it on the site. if u have a link to it, can u post it or just tell me what it is?



Want a Green World!
the pomeg glitch is the glitch where you can level up your porkmon eggs.

you can level your pokemon eggs and they can even evolve!

this means that you can hatch a baby charizard. but it will be at lvl 5 and know all the moves it knew when u pomeg glitched

you can only glitch once with every pomeg berry

[edit] to pomeg glitch you need:

1) a pokemon lvl 40 or below
2) that pokemon must have 10 or more EV's in HP
3) you must have an egg
4) you must have pomeg berry(s)
5) a few revives

(make sure you only have that pokemon and an egg in your party)
get your pokemon lvl 40 and get it poisoned

walk around until that pokemon has 1 HP left

use a pomeg berry on it and it will faint

switch the egg's position in your party with the lvl 40 pokemon so that it is first in your party

go to a secret base or wild pokemon etc and battle.

you will send out your pokemon egg and you will say "GO EGG!"

revive you lvl 40 pokemon during the battle

battle the pokemon if you win u gain xp

after the battle no matter if u win or lose you will faint and get back to a pokemon centre

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um, and stuff
I thought that if you used the glitch at the propper time your Pokemon could have 0HP and not faint


The new tuxedo look!
Well, there is a useless variant too :

Get the pokemon to 1 hp, then use the pomeg berry on it.
After that send it into battle and It'll automatically faint, whiting you out.:)


ooo, what's cooking?
seems a bit worthless to me, considering what u gotta do to make an egg hatch into an evolved pokemon...


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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