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Poor Nidoqueen

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Nidoran(m);032;, Nidorino;033;, and Nidoking;034; can breed. But how come you can breed Nidoran(f);029; or Nidorina;030;and the Queen of all Nidos, Nidoqueen;031;, can't? Is this about the menopause thing? Isn't that unfair for poor Nidoqueen?

RaZoREdIt People kow what pokemon you mean without the smilies thank you.
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Flying Tropius

people are prejudice against women deal with it! yes even Game Freak

Evanji Axu

Because the world is sexist. And no, I WON'T deal with it. The best thing a woman can do is be herself.

And if you like, I can pull up a beautiful picture of Nidoking and a pregnant Nidoqueen.

Flying Tropius

ok fine with me.... any ways a female I say deserves to be able to breed it is the sole reason for there 2 be male and female if that is gone we as well as girls boys are really 1 gender ......XD hurts me to even say that

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
Let all bow down and pray for the poor little Nidoqueen. *breaks down crying*

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
Flying Tropius said:
yes Female pokemon deserve a chance!
We should start a female pokemon Protest group.

What we want? Female pokemon being to make babies.
when we want it? Now.

And we do this in the same way they did right for father by climbing up building in a super hero costume I will be spider-man.

Horn Drill

Get over it folks, it's just a friggin' video game. >_>;

It probably has to do with the fact that Nidorans can be male and female, but Nidorina and Nidoqueen can only be female. Yeah, it's weird, but it doesn't really matter since females can't pass on Egg Moves anyway. =/

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
Horn Drill said:
Get over it folks, it's just a friggin' video game. >_>;

It probably has to do with the fact that Nidorans can be male and female, but Nidorina and Nidoqueen can only be female. Yeah, it's weird, but it doesn't really matter since females can't pass on Egg Moves anyway. =/

I know that why I was making fun of this in my post.
Because the game makers are idiots who thought it would be funny to mess with the players mind. Only reason for it. ¬¬

Flying Tropius

blaze boy said:
I know that why I was making fun of this in my post.
same here getting more post counts ^_^
By the way I don't see any purpose in Females other than the ability to reproduce

Evanji Axu

I think pencil. Nobody in their right mind uses crayons.

But ti's beautiful, hm?

And as a side note, the shiny Absol is your sig is really cute.

Horn Drill

Flying Tropius said:
By the way I don't see any purpose in Females other than the ability to reproduce


You just made my day. :) lol

Evanji Axu said:
By the talented Maneki-Neko

Pokemon lay Eggs. ._.
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