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Poor Porygon..

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Borderline Troll
He isn't the powerfullest. Areus is. However, I'm 90% sure Porygon will make a comeback since they have a Porygon evolution and usually every pokemon is in the anime (stupid earthquakes;339;)

Not in the Anime, where Mewtwo could redirect his all-powerful-attack.


Well-Known Member
Meh I would like to see porygon but if it will bring back memories to the victims im fine with out him

Manaphy Master

It's Dot Com!
he isn't?
what about the episode: shaking island battle! barboach vs. wishcash!
It was banned cause (u know why right?)
EDIT: beaten!


Thank you, SPPf! :)
The Barboach episode never actually aired, so Barboach itself cannot be considered offensive or anything. Whiscash was also to play a major role in the episode, and Juan battled with one, so there goes that theory out the window. In fact, Barboach has had a few cameos since then, but no major spotlight or anything. We'll probably see some filler character with a Barboach in the future, kinda like how we finally saw Flaaffy halfway through Hoenn.


Mammoth Master!
Dark Jiggilypuff said:
Not in the Anime, where Mewtwo could redirect his all-powerful-attack.
You haven't even seen Areus yet. Areus is a god.


oh, so he was banned from having a main episode!

The only reason it was banned was because an Earthquake occured in Japan prior to this episode's release. Barboach had nothing to do with it. They didn't want an episode involving Earthquakes after one just occured. So they scrapped it altogether

Korobooshi Kojiro

Jynx was only really banned in America, just because a Pokemon doesn't show up for awhile doesn't mean it was banned.

I guess Dunsparce was banned then.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Jynx was also brought back for the dub because its skin color was changed to purple. If you want more details on the whole "Jynx's race" spiel, check Dogasu's Backpack.
why, did dunsparce do something?
No. It was just MIA for around 250 episodes or so.




Mammoth Master!
Kojiro said:
I guess Dunsparce was banned then.
He had an episode ':|
Jynx was also brought back for the dub because its skin color was changed to purple. If you want more details on the whole "Jynx's race" spiel, check Dogasu's Backpack.
Can you provide the location?
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