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Poor Porygon..

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Borderline Troll
You haven't even seen Areus yet. Areus is a god.

It'll probably end up having some Beam with a fancy name as it's strongest attack XD

p.s. sorry for off-topicness


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Judgment Pebble? What's next? Apacolypse Twig?


Yeah, baby!
Besides that one banned episode, it has NEVER been in any other episode. It's my favorite pokemon (awesome voice on "who's thats pokemon"), and just because it's attack caused seisures doesnt mean they cant add it in another episode, and make it seizure free attacks.

I love Porygon, too. I think that with the Porygon2 evoloution, it may be in the anime again. It may only be a cameo, though. PorygonZ will probably be the center of attention.


Borderline Troll


Borderline Troll
It does 100 damage and be any type depending on the Plate Aruseus has.

That's pretty sweet.

Pretty unreliable it looks like.
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Well-Known Member
when did he have an episode???

1st time was mid-jhoto,
second time we saw it trapped in Ariados's web with other poke's in DP1.

Ralts Master

Knight of White Eye
I find it amusing that Porygon2 is getting an evo, all things considered.

I guess that makes two Pokemon never to appear in the anime, lol...


Borderline Troll
Silly Zangoose.

Judgement. As in "I'm going to judge if you go to Heaven or Hell".

Or that what I infered, considering it's a God of Pokémon appearantly.

yeah, but...a pebble? It would be cooler if it were in something cooler like a burst.


Scuffle of Legends
yeah i know!
i would have LOVED too see a Porygon converted with another pokemon's colours!

Thankfully we have 3 of them now!

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Personally, I think that now's a better time than any to try reintroducing Porygon and its evolutions in the Pokémon anime, in a brand new episode. After all it's been what, almost nine years since the seizure incident happened in Japan? I know this may sound heartless, but if they're not over it by now, then they never will be. =/
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I thought Porygons mostly existed in the cyber world...that's why you don't see any wild ones outside. At least, that's the excuse I gave myself for them. Mewtwo, Ditto, and Porygon were all created by humans. Mewtwo for being the most powerful pokemon. Ditto to harness the abilities of all pokemon through transformation. Porygon to help out in technology. What else is there for porygon to do? It seems to me that computers/cyber world is it's natural habitat.
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