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Poor Porygon..

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Sprout Aficionado
Eh, I never much liked Porygon. It'd be nice to see it but there are plenty of others that I'd love to see more.


better than Sogeking
Pikachu should die. In Mewtwo Strikes Back, It fainted a Golem in one hit with thunderbolt. A GOLEM FOR PETE'S SAKE! ROCK/GROUND HAS NO MEANING TO THE SCRAWNY RAT! ANNNND FRAMING THE PORYGON MAKES ME WANNA THROTTLE THE LITTLE BUGGER! In a rubber suit, though.


Bastion of Flame
I always wondered why there wasn't a Porygon episode when I was little.

Then, I learned about the Seizure Episode. I never knew Pokemon was the show that had those the Seizure-inducing Flashes. I remember seeing them mock it on the Simpsons, funny!

I'm reluctant to watch the Episode now. I don't think I'd have seizures, but you can never be too careful.


christian 4ever
in other words they shoud kick pikachu out of the anime because its causing episodes to be banned..but never going to happen

Red Ryu

Well-Known Member
Porygon was seen again, it was either the fourth or fifth movie when they were explaining the world of pokemon like they do for every movie.
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