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Portrayal of Pokemon in the anime


Well-Known Member
This thought came to me the other day, in the anime, Pokemon trainers are evil!!

Think about it, we've seen from episodes such as "Island of the Giant Pokemon" and Pokemon like Meowth and Lugia that can speak human that Pokemon are sentient species in the anime. Yet Pokemon trainers go out in the countryside, attack thse sentient creatures, lock them in tiny little balls and only let them out to fight other Pokemon. How can this be morally right? Put yourself in the poor Pokemon's place. We know a lot of them don't like it, I mean look at Charizard, it hated Ash. (I'm only talking about the anime here, in the games they seem more like wild animals and more like they enjoy it.)


... In America!
This thought came to me the other day, in the anime, Pokemon trainers are evil!!

Think about it, we've seen from episodes such as "Island of the Giant Pokemon" and Pokemon like Meowth and Lugia that can speak human that Pokemon are sentient species in the anime. Yet Pokemon trainers go out in the countryside, attack thse sentient creatures, lock them in tiny little balls and only let them out to fight other Pokemon. How can this be morally right? Put yourself in the poor Pokemon's place. We know a lot of them don't like it, I mean look at Charizard, it hated Ash. (I'm only talking about the anime here, in the games they seem more like wild animals and more like they enjoy it.)

and? what is the problem?


Probably mostly used for protection. A Pokeball can't be like a jail cell or something. There must be a reason Pokemon don't mind popping into one, right?


... In America!
Well, in the TV show catching and training Pokemon is pretty much slavery of intelligent creatures.

and? it's just an anime. Do you know the difference about an anime and real life?
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Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Funny, Ash doesn't remind me of someone evil, not to mention he usually asks lately, and Pikachu isn't in a pokeball and Ash decided to let him stay out.

And then there Bulbasaur, Squritle etc all who have chosen to join Ash's side, so I don't see how the poikemon don't like it...


Angels Amoonguss
Probably mostly used for protection. A Pokeball can't be like a jail cell or something. There must be a reason Pokemon don't mind popping into one, right?

Yeah, if I recall correctly, in the episode where Ash's Sceptile gets his attack power back, there is a time when the two are laying by the fire ready to sleep and Ash tells Sceptile 'Sorry, I know it would be more comfortable in your pokeball' or something like that.