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Possible Game Info!

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And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Coming from IGN DS:

Unconfirmed reports from Japan point to another Pokemon game being in development for the Nintendo DS. This one is tentatively titled Mysterious Dungeon: Pokemon World - Pikachu's Great Adventure (or, in Japanese, Fushigi no Dungeon: Pokemon World Pikachu no Daibouken).

As the title would suggest, this latest Pokemon title is a new entry in Chun Soft's popular Mysterious Dungeon series of titles. Most recently, the series has seen a revival of Namco's Druaga license.

It is still to be confirmed, I'll notify you on further confirmation

Here is a picture of one of the previous Mysterious Dungeon games


Courtesy of IGN

Kyo Sohma

Wow!All these games coming out.Cool!I guess there getting ready for 2005.I think this is a very good idea.Although,I do think they should let us be more characters besides Pikachu if they can,maybe Pichu,Charmander,or maybe even Mew.

(((Kuwagata Kross)))

Hmm.... Sounds like a possible Hey You Pikachu or just a adventure game... Kinda like Crash Bandicoot, Sonic, Mario...etc... Big name!....~_^....


Another game I dont really want, but will need to buy in order to unlock a pokemon or 2... YES!
Wow, there's 11 people viewing this thread!!! If this is a killing, fight to death, game, I won't buy it. I can't stand to see a Pikachu die. If Pichu is in it, I'll revolt. I love that little mouse......

♪Crystal Mew♪

Mr. ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
Isorry if this is asking to much but could you like move the new game forums to like the bottom nbecause its becoming a pain for me when I click on the first one thinking its rs and its not

if yiu can help thankies

if you can't than thats ok

I hope You don't have to unlock a poke witht this game cus I don't think I'm buyin it....

EDIT : there was 24 people looking at the gonbes official US name topic

Kyo Sohma

Sheer Cold said:
Wow, there's 11 people viewing this thread!!! If this is a killing, fight to death, game, I won't buy it. I can't stand to see a Pikachu die. If Pichu is in it, I'll revolt. I love that little mouse......
No Pikachu won't die,it'll just faint.And maybe they could make pokemon centers save points and if you faint then you have to go to the last center you saved in.


Pokemon is a great game, the colour GB games, but really, pretty much every pokemon thing thats not one of the coloured GB/GBC/GBA games is pretty terrible and only for reaping in money, I guess coloseum and stadium are cool for 3D battling, but all the pokemon games that arnt collect em all, be the best are really terrible.

Kyo Sohma

Camo said:
Pokemon is a great game, the colour GB games, but really, pretty much every pokemon thing thats not one of the coloured GB/GBC/GBA games is pretty terrible and only for reaping in money, I guess coloseum and stadium are cool for 3D battling, but all the pokemon games that arnt collect em all, be the best are really terrible.
Ya, but you have to give things a chance,we don't fully know about this game yet.


Yeah, I guess it could be alright, but still, pokemon should stay as the pokemon we know and love, if nintendo wanna make another game, they should throw in an original cast, nothing like a new original game with new fresh characters.


Whoa! That's.....really weird. I dunno if I want this either.

Elite Eevee

Nintendo's really going out on a limb here with the franchise. These seem like all or nothing attempts.

CraZzii 4 Treek0

I'm glad nintendo is trying new things with pokemon and not letting it die out. I'l need more info before I decide if it looks good or not.


Id rather see pokemon die continueing the 'catch em all' games, then die making heaps of other games.


Maybe, if you CAN link up with GBA, you'll be able to chose one of the pokemon in your party in Emerald to play as!


Hive Trainer
this sounds cool. i just hope there is more than just pikachu


Yah there had better be more than just Pikachu. I wish there was more info though.
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