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Possible new pokemon? You guys decide.

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Just joined the forums, and i found some cool looking pokemon. Theyres not much info on it yet, except for its name. Steggu eng i think its Stegg cuz of the accent.

hope its reak, looks like a really good starter. Ill post more info onnce i find more. at the moment, discuss amongst urselves. peace

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Faaaake. >.> Official art isn't done like that, there's nothing on CoroCoro... YA RLY? u.u;


hmm, maybe....theres hope yet i found its evolutionary form in ome pokemon forum that i found deep within the pages of google.


no name......but i think it it is its evolution. it looks like a seteggosaurus, and that one is named stegg, i think theres a relation XD


Rising Trainer
The names are too basic, and those couldn't be the Japanese names. It can't be American, either, because it takes a while for the English names. The second just confirms they are fake.


hmmmm, well, i rlly dont care if theyre fake or not, they look sick..only if they were real -.-'. if i find nemore ill post bsides i only posted one name, i dont know th other one regrdless if it is fake or not
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