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Possible Type combinations


WaterGround Trainer
here u can suggest possible new type combinations and the thing, animal or plant that can go with the combination

Fire / Bug

Fire / Dragon
An actual fire-breathing dragon

Fighting / Flying


Well-Known Member
Another spider pokemon?

I think Mawile can be Grass/ Steel. Of course it would make it very vulnerable to Fire. The reason I believe so is because it's like a venus fly trap in a sense with its extra jaw. Also the fact that it can learn Solarbeam, and as shown in the show the yellow spot is the source where sunlight gets to. Unlike Munchlax lets say who only charges up in it's mouth, Grass Pokemon usually have a part of themselves glow. Also the way its extra jaw can create a whirlwind, I could imagine a Razor Leaf attack coming from that. xD


<- sensual
hers a cool one:
a plant pokemon with a fuse like leaf that burns forever and ever


Confusion is bliss
poison/ghost(a graffiti sparaying pokemon!)
ghost/ steel (enourmous possesed shell)
steel/fire(molten metal, i guess)
fire/ghost(could just be a siant, floating flame with a face)

God of Murkrow

Devourer of Children
I invented a Ground/Ghost a while back. He was a tornado with scythes and horns. I thought he was pretty cool.

I also made several other type combos, such as Ice/Electric, Normal/Fighting, and Poison/Rock.


Well-Known Member
i like water/fire!