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Post here, custom dex.

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The Unstoppable
hey people, let's make custom fakemon made by us only. we'll create a custom pokedex of 500 pokemon, so submit your ideas here,and try to turn them into sprites.


Cool story.
Didn't one thread like this already get started? Whoah. Deja Vu. No starting projects unless it is approved. This will get closed real quick.


Cool story.
I started a project, The Johto revamp thread, which ended up having 380 something posts in three days, and it was approved and I got to post it. So in my situation, you just need permission.


. . .
I meant projects like custom dexes, etc. Which include other members to submit sprites, in your case it was allowed.


I made a forum for this perticular situation, had lots of people sign up but no one posted anything and left.. I wanted to see how many we could get and make a website for people to use them for RPing or something.. I can post the link if your interested..

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
You can post the thread as anyone can make a thread. Will it stay up or remain open-No

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
i made a project to fuse every pkmn with eevee.

next day it was closed
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