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Post Your Battle Frontier/Battle Tower Battles On Here!

Mario Man

I Have One, My Battle With Tucker (For The Silver Medal)

Here's The Battle. I Remember What happened Word For Word.
I Choose My Tyranitar First, Latios Second

Go Tyranitar! (My Pokemon)
Go Swampert! (Tucker's Pokemon)

Tyranitar's Sandstream Whppied Up A Sandstorm

Tyranitar Used Crunch! (Swampert Is In Green Zone)

Foe Sawmpert Used Counter! But it failed!

The sandstorm Rages. (No One Is Hit)

Tyranitar Used Crunch! (Swampert Is In The yellow Zone)

Foe Swampert Used Surf! (I Have 59/241 HP Left)

Tyranitar Leftover's Restored HP! (74/241 HP Left)

The sandstorm Rages. (No One is Hit)

Tyranitar Used Crunch! (Swampert Is In Low Red Zone)

Foe Swampert Used Surf!

Tyranitar Fainted!

Go Latios!

The sandstorm Rages.

Latios Is Hit By The Sandstorm. (210/221 HP Left)

Latios Used Dragon Claw!

Foe Swampert Fainted!

Go Salamence! (Tucker's Other Pokemon)

The sandstorm Rages.

Latios Is Hit By The Sandstorm! (199/221 HP Left)

Foe Salamence Is Hit By The Sandstorm! (Loses About 10 HP)

Latios Used Ice Beam!

Foe Salamence Fainted!

Player Defeated Dome Ace Tucker!

Well, There My Battle!
If This Thread Does Not Close, I will post my Greta Battle.

Post Your Battle Frontier/Battle Tower Battles!


oblivion weilder
battle dome tucker (silver)
tucker sent out charizard
i sent our raikou
raikou used thunder
thunder misssed
foe charizard sued earthquake
critical hit
raikou fainted
i sent out suicune
suicune used hydropump
hydropump missed
charizard used earthquake
critical hit
suicune fainted

or something like that

pike queen

lucy sent out seviper
i sent out raikou
raikou used thunder
critical hit
seviper fainted
pike queen lucy sent out shukle
raikou used thunder
shukle was paralysed might be unable to move
shukle used wrap or something
raikou used thunder
shukle fainted
queen sent out mmilotic
milotic used hydro pump
raikou sued thunder
thunder missed
milotic used ice beam
raikou fainted
i sent our charizard
charizard used fly
milotic used hydro pump
hydo pump missed
charizard used fly
critical hit
milotic used hydro pump
charizard fainted
i sent out suicune
milotic used ice beam
suicune used double edge
critical hit i win!!!!!


Factory Expert
Third battle with tucker:
Tucker send out swampert!
Albert send out forretress!
Swampert used surf.
Forretress used explosion.
Both faint.
Albert send out swampert!
Tucker send out metagross!
Swampert used mud shot 3 times.
Metagross used earthquake 3 times.
Metagross fainted.

Winner is Albert for the third time against Tucker!