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Post Your Worst Natures!

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a funny nature that they have had on a Pokemon? Like a Loudred with a Quiet nature or a Gyarados with a Calm nature? Also post natures that you have gotten on Pokemon that don't suit their stats/moveset eg. a Heracross with a Modest nature.

I have had a Heracross with a Modest nature, a Modest Raticate, an Adamant and a Careful Alakazam and a Timid Steelix.

So pretty much list funny natures or bad natures you have had for your Pokemon. Please tell the truth for the bad natures you have had.

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
That can be good if you make it a Physical attacker although it won't be as effective as a Special attacker. Anyone else?

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
I have a Modest Hitmonlee and Spearow, and my Shiny Geodude's nature is Timid.


<I'll never get one
Timid Groundon.

I win.

Groudon does run away from rayquaza

Anyway my Brave Raikou and Latios win hands down (if they had any)
Also my Charizard is Timid.

Charizard Lord

Probably Napping
Adamant Raikou, I win. Edit: WOOT!!!! Rank Up!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, before I started caring about natures and whatnot, I would choose the nature that suited their .. nature. So, I wanted my Squirtle to be bouncy, bubbly, and joyful, so when it came up as Jolly, I was all .. YES!! Then, I look, and it raises something that can't be helped, it's Speed, and lowers something it needs, it's Special Attack.

There were many other incidents like this.


Belgian Waffles!!!
In emerald, I caught an adamant ralts although it did help me find adamant dittos.

In XD, I got a jolly houndour.

Masta Of Pasta

I pwn ravioli
there's a first time for everything...except seconds.

I had a shuckle with max iv's in attack and special attack and a jolly nature.

If you don't want to copy this into your sig, copy this into your sig. if you want to copy this into your sig, don't copy this into your sig. but if you do copy this into your sig you are doing something you don't want to but because you have copied this into your sig, you would only do that if you wanted to because you didn't want to, which means that you do want to copy this into your sig,which in that case, you shouldn't have copied this into your sig. (started by me.)


Well-Known Member
When I first saw Rayquaza, I thought post apocalyptic destroyer dragon who would pelt from the sky and leave gaping craters where human settlements once stood.
That is, until I met my jolly Rayquaza, whom I would imagine is not all that different to the one I described above. He just does it a little smiley-er :)