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Power of Light and Sea


Platium Rank
I give you:
Holy Lugia EX!

I posted this on another site, but not many people go there anymore, so, I'll post it here


Card Faker
The HP and attack damage font is wrong. The Illustrator font is too big. Refer to Fangking's guide to correct. I'm suspicious that the attack name and PokePower name fonts are wrong too.

Super-Power Save should say: "Lugia ex can't attack if there are more than 6 cards in your hand or if there are more than 3 [L] Energy cards attached to it (including Energy cards that provide [L] Energy).
Also the Light Energy symbols are too big.

Holy Gust: change "you" to "your"

Resistance is missing -30.

Set symbol should be farther to the right and down. Also name of the card should be moved more to the left.

Overall, good ideas but a few technical problems. 8/10