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Power Rangers Club

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Uchiha Obito

Approved by PsiUmbreon

This is a Power Rangers club. Anyone who wants to join may join. If you like any form of Power Rangers this is the club for you. Please say which ranger you are and from which type of Power Rangers. (feel free to change it any time, just pm me and i will change it!!)

Club Rules:
No spamming
No insulting other members
No obscene language
No bad images

Owner:Civic Avenger=Quantom Ranger from Power Rangers Time Force
Co-Owner:IceDragon=Green Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Zoids11=SPD Red Ranger
Raikou Lover=White Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
SneakyFella=Green Samurai Ranger from Power Rangers Ninja Storm
DkzM0ma=Gold Zeo Ranger from Power Rangers Zeo
Ghost Rider=White Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
thed3=Blue Lightspeed Ranger from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
CoolTrainerTerry=Red Mystic Force Ranger from Power Rangers Mystic Force
Brock Phillips=White Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
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Well-Known Member
You know you made this 3 times, right? Well, I'd join... Cuz power Rangers r0x0rs but I wouldn't be active.. So I won't

Uchiha Obito

what do you mean i made it 3 times, and do you want to be a member or not?

Uchiha Obito

Oh i am really sorry i dont know how those got there? BTW PsUmbreon would you like to join?


Graphics Fan
Can i join

I like the old power rangers the Green ranger i had all the toys of it and i still do LOL I had all of it for a long time

Can i be co-owner

BTW- DO u know they got a new season?


Nintendo Believer
Can I join? I'm the SPD Red ranger. And I like:

Turbo the movie (haven't seen the show)

DT, SPD and Ninja Storm are the only shows I seen and NS doesn't appeal to me much. I haven't seen TPR, but have seen the movie and loved it (as said above). I hope Mystic Force is as good as SPD.

Uchiha Obito

Ice-Dragon you may join and you can be Co-Owner. Zoids11 you may join!
And Raikou Lover what power rangers is basically about is five teenagers getting these morphers to turn into superhuman beings with weapons and fighting the forces of evil. So do you want to join now?

And Ice-Dragon,yes i know Power Rangers is going to have a new season-It is called Mustic Force.

BTW, Ice Dragon who do you want to be?


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess I'll join. I'd like the form of Cameron Watanabe, the Green Samurai ranger from Power Rangers Ninja Storm. (He's just so darn smart!)

Basically, I've watched almost all of the Power Rangers series except for Wild Force and since I'm still stuck with watching Dino Thunder, I haven't watched SPD yet.

Not to mention that I've also watched the Might Morphin Power Rangers movie and Power Rangers Turbo the movie.

I loved the original continued series, Might Morphin - Space. Seemingly, they made the most sense. And Dino Thunder had Tommy back! Cool.

As for Mystic Force, I don't know much about it but the rangers don't look half-bad and the zords are pretty cool.

Uchiha Obito

oh sorry, never mind!! Anyways i think the best season was Timeforce.


Bring it.
Hey can i JOin? I loved power rangers as a kid! In my opinion MMPR(first one) was the best one. After wild force, it al went weird(the seasons). The gold ranger from zeo was the best:) and i'd like to be him:D


Well-Known Member
The best season would have to be Mighty Morphin. It had the most episodes and there was more action and plot (Power Rangers getting new powers... etc.)

Uchiha Obito

guess your right. But i still like Timeforce more cause of the Quantom Ranger. I mean he became a ranger through the government, it was the first time the government interfered with Rangers. (besides the Alpha Rangers in Lightspeed)


Nintendo Believer
I'm confuse about something. SPD is supposed to be the first PR season that the PR don't lose their powers. But in the SPD episode "History", DinoThunder (Conner, Kira, and Ethan only) were brought to 2025 (time of SPD). They still had thier powers and they were brought to 2025 after they should have lost thier powers. But in 2025, they had thier powers. I remember that DT grabbed some stones from Broodwing, were those Dino Gems? If they were, then they having thier powers would make sense.


820 eggs so far
IceDragon said:
To me the best season is dino thunder

Agreed,i'd like to join if you don't mind,i'll be the white ranger.
Seeing as this is about power rangers,what do you think? *points at sig*
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