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what could be the max power of a reversal....a low kick.etc


Back I guess??
LOW KICK i DON´T KNOW, i THINK THAT THERE IS A CALCULATOR IN (CAPS LOCK...) one site that I forgot the name, but for reversal, I think that it´s something like 160 without stab (with 1HP)


Obsessive Beader/Mod
The max power of Low Kick is 120 (when the opponent's weight is 200.1 kg or more).

The max power of Flail/Reversal is 200 (when your Pokemon has 0% to 4.1% of their HP left).

Thank you, Pokefor. :)


Back I guess??
good to know, with STAB reversal and flail gets 300 base damage! one week ago I started to use reversal in some of my pokemon (double battle) to know what is the base damamge, then all the 3 times that I used and calculated I got 162
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