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PP9, Expert 2006 Promo Text, SD7 New Cards

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I'm Back? YAY!
Orginally found on www.dmcomet.net:
Premium Pack 9:
The pack would first release in JUMP Festival in Japan on 12/17-12/18. The official release date is 12/19. It is a 5 cards pack, with 2 of them confirmed:

Machiner's Force
This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card can only be special summon by the effect of [Commander Coviton]. If a player does not pay 1000 lifepoints, this card cannot attack. When this card is send to Graveyard from the field, special summon one of each [Machiner's Soldier], [Machiner's Sniper], and [Machiner's Defenser] from your Graveyard.

E-Hero Elixier
Light/Warrior - Fusion/10/2900/2600
[E-Hero Featherman] + [E-Hero Burstlady] + [E-Hero Clayman] + [E-Hero Bubbleman]
This card cannot be special summon other than by Fusion Summon. This card's main-type is treated as Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water. When this card is successfully Fusion Summoned, return all cards that are removed from the game into respective owner's deck and shuffle the decks afterward. For each face-up monsters on the field with the same main-type as this card, this card's atack strength is increase by 500.

Expert 2006, V-Jump Promo
From V-Jump 2/2006: Promo cards [Dandelion] (Earth/?/3/?/?)

From Expert 2006 GBA Game:
Golden Homumculus
This card's attack strength is increase by number of your cards removed from play * 300.

Primeval Sun - Helios
This card's attack and defense strength are equal to number of monsters removed from game * 100.

Helios Duo Megistos
This card can be special summon by sacrificing a [Primeval Sun Helios] on your field. This card's attack and defense strength are equal to number of monsters remove from game * 200. When this card is destroy as result of battle and sent to Graveyard, special summon this card at End Phase, and increase this card's attack and defense strength by 200.

SD7 - Fortress of Divine Protector
Divine Protector - Exordo
This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card cannot be special summon other than sacrificing a monster with [Sphinx] in its name from your field. When this card is face-up on the field, whenever a Earth main-type monster is successfully Reversed Summon, do 1000 damages to opponent.

Great Spirit
Once per turn you can put this card into face-down defense mode. Whenever this card is successfully Reversed Summon, switch the original Attack and Defense strength of a face-up Earth main-type monster on the field until the End Phase of the turn.

Also in the deck:
- Guradian Sphinx
- Hieracosphinx
- Criosphinx
- Megarock Dragon

My Question is:
1.Wll the game be released in america?
2.Will Premium pack 9 be released to the public?

Post any other info you find here!

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
The release date is December 17th 2005 I don't think this 1 will come to America if you have a JPN Town in your public then yes to # 2. *cough* more stuff.

Elemental Hero - Elixer
[Elemental Hero - Featherman] + [Elemental Hero - Burstlady] +
[Elemental Hero - Clayman] + [Elemental Hero - Bubbleman]
This card cannot be Special Summoned other than by Fusion Summon. This card's main type is treated as [Wind] [Fire] [Earth] [Water] at the same time. When this card is successfully Fusion Summoned, return all cards removed from play to their respective owner's decks and shuffle the decks. For each (face-up) Monster on the Field with the same main-type as this card, increase this card's attack strength by 500 points.
Ultra Rare? Secret Rare?

Machiner's Force
This card cannot be Normal Summoned. This card can only be Special Summoned from the effect of [Commander Coviton]. This card can only attack by paying 1000 of your lifepoints. You can send this card to your Graveyard to Special Summon one of each [Machiner's Soldier] [Machiner's Sniper] [Machiner's Defenser] from your Graveyard.
Ultra Rare? Secret Rare?

Commander Coviton
When [Machiner's Soldier] [Machiner's Sniper] [Machiner's Defenser] are on the field, sacrifice 3 of them to Special Summon [Machiner's Force]. When this card is on the field, when [Machiner Force] attacks, pay 1000 of your life point. When [Commander Coviton] leaves the field, destroy [Machiner's Force].
Ultra Rare

Machiner's Soldier
Normal Monster
Ultra Rare

Machiner's Sniper
Normal Monster
Ultra Rare

Machiner's Defenser
Normal Monster
Ultra Rare


I'm Back? YAY!
Can you tell me what you said in English...?I didnt quite catch.....I need the Alchemy Cards!Justice will prevail!!!

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
*sigh* Premium Packs and Limited Edition Packs NEVER come over here. The only times we've even had anything relating to them was that McDonald's pack and our Exclusive Pack that was released in conjunction with the Movie. As for the last 4 monsters I listed are coming with this pack.


I'm Back? YAY!
We rarly see Premium packs in singapore...but you can buy the single cards of the pack(like what we had for marshmallow and Marsmallow Spectacles)

Kazuki Mirai

Well-Known Member
Wow, Elixirer shows that he's more useful than Shining Flare Wingman. Shining Flare Wingman maybe a powerhouse but can you actually accomplish getting his ATK way high? I guess not. Yes, the Dixon Machines, perfect for machine deck, if they can ever be brought to the field, but with the help of Summon Priest, it's possible!

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
Kai Yamato said:
Wow, Elixirer shows that he's more useful than Shining Flare Wingman. Shining Flare Wingman maybe a powerhouse but can you actually accomplish getting his ATK way high?

Depends on what you mean by "way high." But I'd say yes you can, his effect encompasses three of the most common main types in the game. A fun card to combo Elixer with might be Scapegoat (4 free EARTH tokens translates to a 2000 ATK gain)...

And while I agree with what was said about PPs not being released in English, I imagine at least one of the cards in this PP could see a promo release.

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
2 more have reveal them self credits to GONDORA

[Lancer Dragonewt]
When this card attacks a monster in defense mode, if this card's attack strength is higher than that monster's defense strength, do battle damages to your opponent equal to the difference

Mist Body
Equip Spell
If this card is equipped, the equipped monster is not destroyed from battle. (damage still apply)
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Lancer Dragonewt's effect is a simple Piercing Battle Damage effect.

The Requiem

Please dear jeebus someone tell me what the freakin flute of summoning Kuriboh does so I can go make the most hilarious deck known to man..

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
Yeah for Machines and BOO for System Down.

PP9-JP00? [Commander Coviton]
Send [Machiner's Soldier], [Machiner's Sniper] and [Machiner's Defenser] on your side of the field to Graveyard. Special Summon [Machiner's Force] from your hand or deck. (Status is unclear)

PP9-JP00? [Machiner's Soldier]
When this card is successfully normal summoned and no other monster on your field. You can special summon 1 monster with "Machiner's" in its name from your hand, "Machiner's Soldier" is excluded.

PP9-JP00? [Machiner's Sniper]
When this card is face-up on the field. All monster with "Machiner's" in its name cannot be attacked, "Machiner's Sniper" is excluded.

PP9-JP00? [Machiner's Defender]
Reverse : Add 1 "Commander Coviton" from your deck to your hand.

Machiners Force
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of [Battle Commander - Covington]. Unless you pay 1000 Life Points, this monster cannot attack. Send this face-up card on your side of the field to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 each of [Machinerss Soldier], [Machiners Sniper] and [Machiners Defender] from your Graveyard.

Orochi Breakwing said:
Please dear jeebus someone tell me what the freakin flute of summoning Kuriboh does so I can go make the most hilarious deck known to man..

This isnt official but meh

The Flute of Summoning Kuribo
Magic - Quickplay
Select and activate 1 of the following effects:
- Add 1 [Kuribo] or [Hane Kuribo] from your Deck to your hand. Then shuffle your Deck.
- Special Summon 1 [Kuribo] or [Hane Kuribo] from your Deck.
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Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
Tamer Zack said:
This isnt official but meh

The Flute of Summoning Kuribo
Magic - Quickplay
Select and activate 1 of the following effects:
- Add 1 [Kuribo] or [Hane Kuribo] from your Deck to your hand. Then shuffle your Deck.
- Special Summon 1 [Kuribo] or [Hane Kuribo] from your Deck.

That makes me want to go buy a Multiply.

Kazuki Mirai

Well-Known Member
Tamer Zack said:
2 more have reveal them self credits to GONDORA

[Lancer Dragonewt]
When this card attacks a monster in defense mode, if this card's attack strength is higher than that monster's defense strength, do battle damages to your opponent equal to the difference

Mist Body
Equip Spell
If this card is equipped, the equipped monster is not destroyed from battle. (damage still apply)
ZOMG, ZOMG. More dragon cards. =P I wonder when Multiply is coming out so I can use it in a combo with Flute of Summoning Kuriboh.

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
The 10th card is *drums roll*

PP9-JP009 [Axe Dragonnewt]
When this card attack, switch it to Defense mode at the end of Damage Step.
lol, here comes the "Kuribo Chaos"
You are not kidding. I love all this Kuriboh support...Kuri-kuri~!<3 Just wait until the Philosopher's Stone card comes out, as it requires Winged Kuriboh to be sent to the grave to activate.;)
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