Alright, its the most non-anticipated preview for the worst fic in the history of Serebii. Just a note: Yes, I like the "ending in one-liners". I think they're awesome and leave you with a good feeling. But not all the chapies in my fic will end this way! And, my policy with the Disney story: I won't describe places or things USUALLY because I think everyone knows what most of the Disney characters look like, and, of course, the House of Mouse. If you don't know what they look like or the H.o.M, then just ask and I'll do the best I can! So, here we go:
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Disney or Rocket characters from Pokemon, nor the Inuyasha world.
Claimer: I do own Luke, Lea, their hometown which I placed in the Inuyasha world, Norbert, the mysterious person (identity revealed later), and Ajent 364 and Karen. Yay.
Preview/Prequel to The Chronicles of Forbidden Lugia
Luke ran, though he didn't really know where he was going. He just needed to get away from the taunts, the teases, the horrible threats....They all needed to die, he thought, and he'd be the one to do it. But right now, he just needed to get out of that place. For a child of only five, he was very hateful and vengeful, but also extremely protective of his mother and father. Everyone knew who and what they were. In the Feudal Era, it was exceedingly common to see. And they were always punished...
He stopped to catch his breath, panting heavily. Luke had never really been one to run. He looked up, and realized he had lost the path to his Secret Place, a grove of trees that stayed cool no matter the weather, and it protected from those horrible things that haunted the woods night and day. The wolves that could outrun any human, demon, or half-demon, and voices that could sound like anyone, even your parents. They weren't the most horrible things you could come across in the woods, but they were a force to be reckoned with. He righted himself, and looked around.
He was standing in the middle of a very strange-looking clearing. The setting sun shone down upon the circular field, making the grass twinkle like they had thousands of tiny diamonds on their leaves. Surrounding the field was the unfriendly forest, the trees scraggly with dark leaves and shadows in every corner. He grew a rather curious look upon his face, promptly forgot why he had been running, and proceeded slowly into the field, observing every flower and plant that caught his attention. He was there for only a few minutes when he suddenly heard the sound of moving feet. He looked up slowly, and fell back while gasping.
Standing in front of him was a wolfish puppy, storm-cloud gray with jet black and moon silver stripes. Its eyes were the color of midnight, and full of curiosity that only came with puppy hood. But, lining its mouth were razor-sharp teeth like a shark's, and hoofed feet connected where paws should have been. It grinned, mouth stretching wider and wider until it was grinning from ear to ear, a creepy look on one that should have been cute.
It spoke suddenly, its language quite rough and voice high-pitched, making it obvious it was a girl. " 'Ello! Me nameh is Lea. Oo uman?" Luke only merely gawked at her. " are one of those things my mommy warned me about! You eat people!" he cried, and got up to run away. She stopped grinning, and cocked her head. "Oo frum uman villaga?" she asked.
Luke stopped, and nodded slowly. "Yeah...I'm from the...Wait! You're just trying to trick me! Well, I'm not falling for it!" He turned again to run. In a flash, Lea was in front of him. She spread her feet and stood her ground, although she was a foot shorter than him now. Glaring up at him, she cried, "Oo me freend!! Pack plan tu attack villaga! I not let oo ghet kill!" She panted from the emphasis effort, and Luke stared at her in horror. He then shoved her out of the way, screaming desperately for his parents. Lea got up and ran after him, yowling.
He ran though tree branches, crushing rocks and various bugs underneath his feet, Lea on his heels. He almost tripped several times over hidden tree roots, and Lea would immediately help him back up. A sort of invisible friendship grew between them, though neither knew it. Finally, he crashed through and stumbled onto the village. A deadly quiet surrounded the usually busy place. Luke walked a few feet, staring in horror at his village, Lea panting at his side. He then screamed and ran through the streets. Lea gasped and followed right on his heels again.
The streets were lined with dead bodies, people and animal alike. Blood covered every square inch of the place, and spears, swords, and arrows were attached to almost everything, even people. The sun only made the place look worse, the red tint shinning off the blood and glowing on everything. Nothing moved. Luke didn't even look up. He could smell enough. Finally, he did look up, and saw his house only a few meters in front of him. He cired out again, and Lea yowled with sorrow at her own loss. Luke ran inside his straw and wood house and glanced around. He saw a bundle of blankets move, and ran over to it. Lea stood at the doorway, biting her bottom lip and not coming in. He threw off the cloth, and nearly burst into tears at the sight of his mother's mangled body.
She coughed up blood, and a caked eye opened slightly to rotate and look at Luke. "Lu...Luke? Is" she said with a dry voice. "Ye-yes Mommy...Please...." he stuttered. His mom smiled, and said, "Dar...ling.. don't be.....afraid." Her eye closed, and she spoke no more. Luke whimpered, and clutched his mother's hand. "Mommy?" he said quietly. He bowed his head, and began to cry. Suddenly, there was an uproar from outside, and Lea cried out as Luke screamed and looked up.
Some of the villagers had survived, and were beginning approach Lea and Luke. "Get out of here, you filthy scum!" one cried. "He brought hem here! Let's kill him!" an older woman shrieked. Lea and Luke screamed again in pure horror and ran outside and started down the street, the villagers at their heels. Screaming and yelling, waving pitchforks and spears over their heads, they were quite the threat. As Lea and Luke grew close to the edge of town, all of them threw their weapons. Being the non-war trained people that they were, their aim certainly wasn't the best. But still, fate seemed to be strangely on their side. Almost all of the spears landed around Luke and Lea, who both cried out and stopped, Luke covering his head with his hands. Only one spear was perfectly aimed, and it was going for Luke's chest.
Lea's kind was not known for any generosity, but at this point in her life, she knew not the differences that began hatred between her kind and his. All she knew was her new friend was about to be killed. Without even thinking about it for one second, she leapt in the way of the spear and was immediately impaled through the right shoulder. She screamed something ungodly, and hit the ground. Luke turned, and without even thinking on his part, picked her up and ran, though not very fast. He quickly disappeared in the woods, cries of triumph and someone shouting a strange word that began with a "hk". Or was it the person choking? He didn't bother to find out.
Nighttime came quickly, and he was walking now, sobbing his eyes out. He finally stopped, and hit the ground with his knees. Lea rolled off of him, making a grunting noise. He let out a horrible sob, and pulled the spear out of her without thinking. Immediately, she gave a howl of pain, and blood spurted out of the open wound. He choked, and put both his hands on the wound in an attempt to stop it. The warm liquid nearly made his heart beat right out of his chest, and..
He wished it would just stop...
...he concentrated, not breathing...
It was scaring him...
...when it suddenly stopped. Lea opened her eyes and looked up, blinking. Luke let out breath in an attempt to relax, and opened his eyes. Lea smiled weakly, and licked his hand. He smiled back and took his hands off, revealing only a long, jagged scar. Lea stared at it in amazement, and looked up at him. "How did oo do dat?" she asked curiously. Luke breathed, "I don't know. I've always been able to do weird things when I get scared." Lea stared at the wound again, and then got up shakily, nearly falling. Luke got up too, and brushed off his pants.
"Friends?" Lea asked, looking up at him. Luke looked at her. "You saved my life. Others may think you're bad, but I know I never will. So, yes." he said, and smiled, holding out his hand. Lea raised her paw and they shook. "I'll always know you because of your scar that I should have gotten. Thank you, Lea!" Luke cried, and hugged her around the neck. She grew tears in her own eyes, and said in his ear, "Me always know oo 'cause oo be out 'dere safing people."
"I know so."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Many, many years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Darkness filled the skies at the Disney world, for a gigantic storm covered almost all of the rather extensive globe. Dark black clouds rumbled, and more came every second and preoccupied the space that used to show the sun and moon. Darkness filled every corner and crack, for there was no light except for that coming from the buildings and houses. Thunder and lightning boomed threatingly outside the House of Mouse, but it didn't bother the Cartoons inside. They were too busy celebrating the birthday of someone special...
Cries of excitement filled the tall building as the candles on an exquisite birthday cake. If counted, the candles would number up to 50. And if one were to look at the Cartoon laughing and blowing all the candles out, one would not believe that Mickey Mouse, of all the Cartoons there, was turning 50. But that's the way it was Cartoons; they never aged unless provoked by an outside force, and nothing could kill them because of the Colors, a seemingly indestructible thing. But they were still careful around erasers, just in case...
Everyone screamed with joy and began to talk excitedly and cut the cake and eat the ice cream. Typically, Mickey got the first slice, for it was Cartoon custom; to help the wish come true. The one thing that Mickey had wished for, like so many of his kind, was something to happen. Not just anything, but the something that would change the Cartoon Worlds.
Everyone suddenly started screaming "Speech!! Speech!!" and Mickey sighed, and walked up to the stage. Everyone quickly quieted as he cleared his throat.
"My friends... 50 years, huh?" he laughed nervously. "Well, truly, I couldn't have gone this long without all of you there right by my side." he smiled as they all cheered. When they quieted down, he continued. "I would really-" he was cut off when the light suddenly flashed and went off when thunder rolled overhead. Several girls screamed and Donald let out a shriek of pure terror and clung to Goofy, who in turn fell over out of surprise. The lights quickly came back on, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Mickey took in a breath and was about to make a comment, when...
The doorbell rang.
He jumped back, and everyone slowly turned around to face the door. Goofy got up, and Donald walked off whistling as if nothing had happened. Goofy shook himself and walked calmly towards the door, as if not noticing everyone's terrified glances. He smiled, and reached for the doorknob whilst everyone grew tense. He opened up the door ignorantly...
Rain and wind blew in and knocked him backwards onto his butt. He gasped, and his eyes grew wide as a heavy breathing sound filled the air. A figure strode in, completely hidden in a black, shaggy, hooded cloak. The person practically reeked mystery, and everyone shrank back as they came in fully, almost expecting them to destroy them immediately. The only thing of the person showing was two hands with claws. They made a strange noise, like a mix of the purr of a cat and the growl of a dog. "Hrrrr...."
They calmly walked in, and stared around them, until they spotted Mickey. Then they strode over to him, almost gliding on the ground. Nobody moved, for they were all paralyzed in fear. They stopped in front of Mickey who was still on the stage. Eye to eye, face to face.
They stood there, Mickey terrified out of his mind. What was he going to do? He couldn't see the person's face, but maybe if he could move his hand and lift the cloak...
Suddenly they spoke, a hard girl's voice echoing out from the darkness.
"Are YOU Mickey Mouse?"
He finally came out of his trance and took several steps back. He stuttered, "Y-y-es...wh-what do you w-w-w-ant?" A strange noise filled the house, and he suddenly realized she was chuckling. He grew quite defensive and puffed himself up to his full height. Before he could say anything, they made the noise from before again and spoke, this time a much lighter tone filling her voice. "Hrrr. good. I have a present for you." Mickey exhaled, and everyone also fell out of their trance. Rather awkwardly, she backed up a few steps and turned around. Then, she began to speak to herself in a soothing tone. "Hrraghrr...Purrr-ah...purrrhrrr." Surprisingly, there was a gurgling sound, like a baby, in response, and then silence. she turned around again and raised her hands even with her shoulders. She made this speech,
"Cartoons! I have heard your cry of change, across the winds of Worlds, and have brought you gift in peace! I wish to give it to you, but there are several rules you must, I repeat, MUST follow! First," she made a wave of her hand, "Do not treat it horribly, for if you do, I will wreak a thousand wars upon you all until you have been given your justice. Second," everyone shuddered at the first rule, "Take wonderful care of it, and treat it as if it were your own child. Do so, and you will be forever happy. Third, and most importantly," her voice grew somewhat quiet and she leaned forward slightly. Everyone leaned in a little closer to hear her. "Keep him away from those Villains. Understood?" she asked, righting herself, everyone quickly scrambling back to their original positions. "Y..yeah." Mickey said quietly. She "hrrr"ed again, and then reached into her cloak and brought out...
Everyone tensed...
A covered Easter basket.
She then walked back up to Mickey and he was about to take it when she teased him with it by holding it out to her side. "But!" she cried, making everyone jump. "What you are about to take into your hands will change the course of the Cartoon Worlds forever. Are you ready?" Mickey stared up at her, and looked behind her to see his friends. They looked at each other, and then nodded at him. He looked back at her, and then smiled, no longer afraid. He nodded, his head going up and down, up and down....
She made the strange chuckling noise, and then slowly handed him the basket, and when he held it in his hands, she turned in a whoosh of a cloak and was suddenly at the door. She held the frame in one hand, her figure about to disappear from their lives once again. Thunder rumbled and lightning crashed. She spoke once more.
"Oh, and Happy Birthday, Mickey Mouse." Then, she was gone.
Everyone slowly turned around to face Mickey once more. "Well...what is it?" Goofy asked as Minnie walked up from behind Mickey and put her hands on his shoulders, looking over him to stare at the basket. She shook himself, and then reached down with his left hand and took off the blanket covering it. Minnie and Mickey gasped, and Minnie quickly picked up the thing inside to cradle it in her arms and so everyone could see. In her arms was a baby, blue, dragon.
He gurgled, and opened his wide, yellow eyes to stare at her, and she flustered and giggled. He grinned, revealing sharp teeth, and said in a somewhat choked voice,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 Months later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I've had it with you three! It's time to GET ON WITH IT." a man's voice screamed out from the shadows of an apparent office, obviously exceedingly angry.
"We're sorry, Boss! But those twerps are just too powerful!" a woman's voice cried, as three shadowy figures fell to the floor in a worshiping pose.
"Garr...Too powerful? Don't act like I haven't met that annoyance...It's about time he learned his lesson..." The man's voice said calmly. Suddenly, he grinned evilly. "Ahhhh....I think I might have just the thing..." He pressed a button on his phone, and he spoke into it, his voice reverberating throughout the building they were in. People dressed head to toe in black with caps and eye masks on and a red R in the middle of their chest looked up at the intercom boxes, stopping what they were doing.
"All members come to the auditorium, I repeat, all members to the auditorium."
The man made a small movement with his hand at the three people, and looking stunned, they left the room. The Persian by his side purred contentedly; tail flicking as if relieved to see the people go. The man grinned again, and picked up his phone. Pressing several buttons, he put it to his ear and spoke into it when a male voice said, "Hello?" from the other line.
"Agent 364?" the man said.
"Yes, sir? You wanted us to go to the auditorium?" The agent's voice asked
"Yesss, but bring your...friend."
An inhale of breath was heard from the other side, but there was no comment on it. "Yes sir." the voice said, slightly worried. Both lines hung up as the man sat back in his chair, chuckling.
~~~~~~~~~~~Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Our leader, Giovanni!" the announcer screamed into his microphone over the nervous talk.
"This has GOT to be something important, or else...I was in the middle of another devious invention!" A man snarled. He had bright orange hair on the sides of his head, but was bald on top. He also had a long, orange moustache, a sharp nose and pointy eyes. He wore a long, white lab coat with several large blue stains on it. "Quiet, Dr. Nanba! Here he is!" a voice snarled beside him, but the figure was in shadow, making him invisible to the eye. Dr. Nanba muttered something under his breath, but fell quiet when a man walked onto the stage. He had on an orange suit and pants, with cropped brown hair and brown tie. His sharp brown eyes scanned the deadly quiet crowd, but he grinned, revealing pearly white teeth. On the stage with him were the three figures from before, looking rather uncomfortable and shuffling quietly. Suddenly, the man spoke, his voice confirming he was the man from before.
"My fellow long has it been since we started? Ten? Twenty years?" An uproar from the crowd greeted him. Then Giovanni began to pace. "But how many of those wonderful years were attempted to be stopped by people? First, there was our Expansion of Regions project, which would have been genius, had it not been stopped by THESE TWO!" He shouted, pointing to a screen behind him, where a picture showed up.
It was a picture of a beautiful green field with two people in it, sitting on a white bench. The first was a girl, who looked about thirteen. She had on a blue shirt with a red skirt on, and a yellow hip pack with a furry brown belt. On her feet were blue socks and white sneakers with red shoelaces, and adorning her head was a white hat with a half red Pokeball on it, and a red line going around the rim. Her eyes were wide open, revealing beautiful green-blue orbs. Her mouth was in a happy grin, also revealing canines on the top jaw that were longer than most people-though not long enough to qualify as a vampire. On her shoulder was a bright yellow Pokemon that looked like a mouse, but it had long ears that were in the shape of a long, thin oval. It had a lightning shaped tail, cute black eyes, brown stripes on its back, and red cheeks. Next to her was a boy, about her age, with messy, brown-colored hair and kind brown eyes. He had on a red sleeveless jacket, with a black t-shirt under it and blue jeans. Sitting on the ground was a foxish-looking yellow Pokemon. Long, bright yellow tufts of fur stuck out randomly across its body, and it had rabbit-like ears and a white, spiky mane around its neck, surrounding its fox-like face. Its eyes were full of curiosity, but a nice smile crossed its face.
As soon as the picture appeared, the were several gasps and nearly all of the crowd booed and shook their fists at the picture. Giovanni nodded in approval of this uproar, then the picture faded from view, and it stopped. "But fortunately, we took care of them, but we don't DARE go back there for fear of those horrible things the girl put there. But when we tried to take care of this region, we ran into a new problem. ASH KETCHUM!!" he roared, and another picture came onto the screen, receiving many hisses and much more booing.
The picture was of a boy, also looking about twelve or thirteen. He had jet-black hair that stuck up in random spikes all over his head, and dark brown eyes that almost looked black themselves. Covering his hair was a red baseball cap that had a thick black stripe in the middle that only went about 3/4 of the way down and in the middle of that was half of a green Pokeball, and black fingerless gloves with green trim covered his hands. He had on a blue jacket that was buttoned at the top with no sleeves and a black shirt underneath. He also had blue jeans and dark blue sneakers with black edges and white rubber on the bottom. On his shoulder was another mouse-like Pokemon.
The picture didn't fade, but the screaming stopped when Giovanni spoke again. "For almost three years now, most of our plans have been foiled by this INFERIOR boy and his rotten Pikachu and friends!" There was another loud uproar from this. He continued over the screaming. "But now, two forces shall clash! Agent 364! Show them your find!" Giovanni screamed, pointing to his right, where out came a younger rocket. He was dressed in the same design as the two people on the stage, but in black instead of white. Following him was the girl from the picture, looking about the stage rather curiously.
The crowd gasped.
The boy stopped, as did the girl, and looked out at the audience as if she didn't recognize them. Several backed up, as she was some kind of monster. "What was once our natural enemy is now our fighting machine! 364! Show them what I mean!" Giovanni cried. The boy nodded, and then said to the girl, "Change."
The girl stared at him for a minute, and then the most remarkable thing happened. Her nails grew sharper, and black dragonish wings with maroon membranes unfurled from her back. She took off her hat and shook her head, revealing brown cat ears, and her "belt" came undone to reveal a hairy tail with black pupils and a line making a mouth. It blinked, then yawned, revealing dagger-sharp teeth. The girl stared at his again, as if expecting him to be surprised. He didn't look it, but then again, neither did the rest of the crowd.
Giovanni continued "This girl, once-" He was cut off by Agent 364, who mumbled, "Karen." Giovanni stared at him. "What?" he said. "" the boy said through clenched teeth. Giovanni pursed his lips slightly, the continued. "Karen, once our natural enemy, is now our most amazing weapon! Thanks to our wonderful scientists-" A large applause filled the hall as the professors waved, grinning. "She is now completely under our control. And the controller is far away, so that rotten twerp won't know how to disable it! Of course, she only obeys 364 here, so you shall not need to 'tag along' on these three's next futile attempt to capture that rotten rat he calls a Pikachu. Is that understood?" Giovanni asked, looking at the boy. The girl grinned up at him, but the boy answered calmly, "Yes, sir."
"Now just one last thing..." Giovanni said, and then pulled out from his pocket a picture of the boy, Ash, and walked over to the girl. He handed the picture to the Agent, and the boy, in turn, turned to the girl, whilst she stopped grinning and cocked her head playfully at him. He sighed, and the held the picture up to her. She took it delicately from him, and stared at it. "Karen?" the boy asked. she stopped looking at the picture and stared back up at him, and made a questioning noise at the back of her throat. "Hrrr?" she said, the sound like a mix between the purr of a Persian and the growl of a Mightyena. Her wings shifted slightly on her back. "You see this boy?" he asked again.
"He's your next meal." the boy said calmly, but he gulped secretly.
The girl stared down at the picture again, and her tail rose up with her face to stare at the picture too while the crowd held their breath. What would she say? Would she refuse? Would she say she couldn't? The answer was given quickly.
The girl grinned evilly, and a fire grew in her eyes that burned with and ancient kind of hatred. Her canines gleamed while she chortled. The three figures from before, hidden in shadows still, bit their lips.
"Hrrr...." she said. "I simply can't wait to taste him..."
So, Read and Review! I have to go to school, so see ya later! (if this is in the wrong place, plz move it or leave it alone an let it die)
((Edit)) Wow.
(hope this doesn't get to the top of the list for editing.) Just curious; is it the whole "House of Mouse" thing? 'Cause I can make the story adjusted for Kingdom Hearts, even though I have not much of an idea about any of it (Gamecube owner. 8P). I'm currently reading a story version of the game, but...(I knew that Kingdom Hearts was more popular...)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Disney or Rocket characters from Pokemon, nor the Inuyasha world.
Claimer: I do own Luke, Lea, their hometown which I placed in the Inuyasha world, Norbert, the mysterious person (identity revealed later), and Ajent 364 and Karen. Yay.
Preview/Prequel to The Chronicles of Forbidden Lugia
Luke ran, though he didn't really know where he was going. He just needed to get away from the taunts, the teases, the horrible threats....They all needed to die, he thought, and he'd be the one to do it. But right now, he just needed to get out of that place. For a child of only five, he was very hateful and vengeful, but also extremely protective of his mother and father. Everyone knew who and what they were. In the Feudal Era, it was exceedingly common to see. And they were always punished...
He stopped to catch his breath, panting heavily. Luke had never really been one to run. He looked up, and realized he had lost the path to his Secret Place, a grove of trees that stayed cool no matter the weather, and it protected from those horrible things that haunted the woods night and day. The wolves that could outrun any human, demon, or half-demon, and voices that could sound like anyone, even your parents. They weren't the most horrible things you could come across in the woods, but they were a force to be reckoned with. He righted himself, and looked around.
He was standing in the middle of a very strange-looking clearing. The setting sun shone down upon the circular field, making the grass twinkle like they had thousands of tiny diamonds on their leaves. Surrounding the field was the unfriendly forest, the trees scraggly with dark leaves and shadows in every corner. He grew a rather curious look upon his face, promptly forgot why he had been running, and proceeded slowly into the field, observing every flower and plant that caught his attention. He was there for only a few minutes when he suddenly heard the sound of moving feet. He looked up slowly, and fell back while gasping.
Standing in front of him was a wolfish puppy, storm-cloud gray with jet black and moon silver stripes. Its eyes were the color of midnight, and full of curiosity that only came with puppy hood. But, lining its mouth were razor-sharp teeth like a shark's, and hoofed feet connected where paws should have been. It grinned, mouth stretching wider and wider until it was grinning from ear to ear, a creepy look on one that should have been cute.
It spoke suddenly, its language quite rough and voice high-pitched, making it obvious it was a girl. " 'Ello! Me nameh is Lea. Oo uman?" Luke only merely gawked at her. " are one of those things my mommy warned me about! You eat people!" he cried, and got up to run away. She stopped grinning, and cocked her head. "Oo frum uman villaga?" she asked.
Luke stopped, and nodded slowly. "Yeah...I'm from the...Wait! You're just trying to trick me! Well, I'm not falling for it!" He turned again to run. In a flash, Lea was in front of him. She spread her feet and stood her ground, although she was a foot shorter than him now. Glaring up at him, she cried, "Oo me freend!! Pack plan tu attack villaga! I not let oo ghet kill!" She panted from the emphasis effort, and Luke stared at her in horror. He then shoved her out of the way, screaming desperately for his parents. Lea got up and ran after him, yowling.
He ran though tree branches, crushing rocks and various bugs underneath his feet, Lea on his heels. He almost tripped several times over hidden tree roots, and Lea would immediately help him back up. A sort of invisible friendship grew between them, though neither knew it. Finally, he crashed through and stumbled onto the village. A deadly quiet surrounded the usually busy place. Luke walked a few feet, staring in horror at his village, Lea panting at his side. He then screamed and ran through the streets. Lea gasped and followed right on his heels again.
The streets were lined with dead bodies, people and animal alike. Blood covered every square inch of the place, and spears, swords, and arrows were attached to almost everything, even people. The sun only made the place look worse, the red tint shinning off the blood and glowing on everything. Nothing moved. Luke didn't even look up. He could smell enough. Finally, he did look up, and saw his house only a few meters in front of him. He cired out again, and Lea yowled with sorrow at her own loss. Luke ran inside his straw and wood house and glanced around. He saw a bundle of blankets move, and ran over to it. Lea stood at the doorway, biting her bottom lip and not coming in. He threw off the cloth, and nearly burst into tears at the sight of his mother's mangled body.
She coughed up blood, and a caked eye opened slightly to rotate and look at Luke. "Lu...Luke? Is" she said with a dry voice. "Ye-yes Mommy...Please...." he stuttered. His mom smiled, and said, "Dar...ling.. don't be.....afraid." Her eye closed, and she spoke no more. Luke whimpered, and clutched his mother's hand. "Mommy?" he said quietly. He bowed his head, and began to cry. Suddenly, there was an uproar from outside, and Lea cried out as Luke screamed and looked up.
Some of the villagers had survived, and were beginning approach Lea and Luke. "Get out of here, you filthy scum!" one cried. "He brought hem here! Let's kill him!" an older woman shrieked. Lea and Luke screamed again in pure horror and ran outside and started down the street, the villagers at their heels. Screaming and yelling, waving pitchforks and spears over their heads, they were quite the threat. As Lea and Luke grew close to the edge of town, all of them threw their weapons. Being the non-war trained people that they were, their aim certainly wasn't the best. But still, fate seemed to be strangely on their side. Almost all of the spears landed around Luke and Lea, who both cried out and stopped, Luke covering his head with his hands. Only one spear was perfectly aimed, and it was going for Luke's chest.
Lea's kind was not known for any generosity, but at this point in her life, she knew not the differences that began hatred between her kind and his. All she knew was her new friend was about to be killed. Without even thinking about it for one second, she leapt in the way of the spear and was immediately impaled through the right shoulder. She screamed something ungodly, and hit the ground. Luke turned, and without even thinking on his part, picked her up and ran, though not very fast. He quickly disappeared in the woods, cries of triumph and someone shouting a strange word that began with a "hk". Or was it the person choking? He didn't bother to find out.
Nighttime came quickly, and he was walking now, sobbing his eyes out. He finally stopped, and hit the ground with his knees. Lea rolled off of him, making a grunting noise. He let out a horrible sob, and pulled the spear out of her without thinking. Immediately, she gave a howl of pain, and blood spurted out of the open wound. He choked, and put both his hands on the wound in an attempt to stop it. The warm liquid nearly made his heart beat right out of his chest, and..
He wished it would just stop...
...he concentrated, not breathing...
It was scaring him...
...when it suddenly stopped. Lea opened her eyes and looked up, blinking. Luke let out breath in an attempt to relax, and opened his eyes. Lea smiled weakly, and licked his hand. He smiled back and took his hands off, revealing only a long, jagged scar. Lea stared at it in amazement, and looked up at him. "How did oo do dat?" she asked curiously. Luke breathed, "I don't know. I've always been able to do weird things when I get scared." Lea stared at the wound again, and then got up shakily, nearly falling. Luke got up too, and brushed off his pants.
"Friends?" Lea asked, looking up at him. Luke looked at her. "You saved my life. Others may think you're bad, but I know I never will. So, yes." he said, and smiled, holding out his hand. Lea raised her paw and they shook. "I'll always know you because of your scar that I should have gotten. Thank you, Lea!" Luke cried, and hugged her around the neck. She grew tears in her own eyes, and said in his ear, "Me always know oo 'cause oo be out 'dere safing people."
"I know so."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Many, many years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Darkness filled the skies at the Disney world, for a gigantic storm covered almost all of the rather extensive globe. Dark black clouds rumbled, and more came every second and preoccupied the space that used to show the sun and moon. Darkness filled every corner and crack, for there was no light except for that coming from the buildings and houses. Thunder and lightning boomed threatingly outside the House of Mouse, but it didn't bother the Cartoons inside. They were too busy celebrating the birthday of someone special...
Cries of excitement filled the tall building as the candles on an exquisite birthday cake. If counted, the candles would number up to 50. And if one were to look at the Cartoon laughing and blowing all the candles out, one would not believe that Mickey Mouse, of all the Cartoons there, was turning 50. But that's the way it was Cartoons; they never aged unless provoked by an outside force, and nothing could kill them because of the Colors, a seemingly indestructible thing. But they were still careful around erasers, just in case...
Everyone screamed with joy and began to talk excitedly and cut the cake and eat the ice cream. Typically, Mickey got the first slice, for it was Cartoon custom; to help the wish come true. The one thing that Mickey had wished for, like so many of his kind, was something to happen. Not just anything, but the something that would change the Cartoon Worlds.
Everyone suddenly started screaming "Speech!! Speech!!" and Mickey sighed, and walked up to the stage. Everyone quickly quieted as he cleared his throat.
"My friends... 50 years, huh?" he laughed nervously. "Well, truly, I couldn't have gone this long without all of you there right by my side." he smiled as they all cheered. When they quieted down, he continued. "I would really-" he was cut off when the light suddenly flashed and went off when thunder rolled overhead. Several girls screamed and Donald let out a shriek of pure terror and clung to Goofy, who in turn fell over out of surprise. The lights quickly came back on, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Mickey took in a breath and was about to make a comment, when...
The doorbell rang.
He jumped back, and everyone slowly turned around to face the door. Goofy got up, and Donald walked off whistling as if nothing had happened. Goofy shook himself and walked calmly towards the door, as if not noticing everyone's terrified glances. He smiled, and reached for the doorknob whilst everyone grew tense. He opened up the door ignorantly...
Rain and wind blew in and knocked him backwards onto his butt. He gasped, and his eyes grew wide as a heavy breathing sound filled the air. A figure strode in, completely hidden in a black, shaggy, hooded cloak. The person practically reeked mystery, and everyone shrank back as they came in fully, almost expecting them to destroy them immediately. The only thing of the person showing was two hands with claws. They made a strange noise, like a mix of the purr of a cat and the growl of a dog. "Hrrrr...."
They calmly walked in, and stared around them, until they spotted Mickey. Then they strode over to him, almost gliding on the ground. Nobody moved, for they were all paralyzed in fear. They stopped in front of Mickey who was still on the stage. Eye to eye, face to face.
They stood there, Mickey terrified out of his mind. What was he going to do? He couldn't see the person's face, but maybe if he could move his hand and lift the cloak...
Suddenly they spoke, a hard girl's voice echoing out from the darkness.
"Are YOU Mickey Mouse?"
He finally came out of his trance and took several steps back. He stuttered, "Y-y-es...wh-what do you w-w-w-ant?" A strange noise filled the house, and he suddenly realized she was chuckling. He grew quite defensive and puffed himself up to his full height. Before he could say anything, they made the noise from before again and spoke, this time a much lighter tone filling her voice. "Hrrr. good. I have a present for you." Mickey exhaled, and everyone also fell out of their trance. Rather awkwardly, she backed up a few steps and turned around. Then, she began to speak to herself in a soothing tone. "Hrraghrr...Purrr-ah...purrrhrrr." Surprisingly, there was a gurgling sound, like a baby, in response, and then silence. she turned around again and raised her hands even with her shoulders. She made this speech,
"Cartoons! I have heard your cry of change, across the winds of Worlds, and have brought you gift in peace! I wish to give it to you, but there are several rules you must, I repeat, MUST follow! First," she made a wave of her hand, "Do not treat it horribly, for if you do, I will wreak a thousand wars upon you all until you have been given your justice. Second," everyone shuddered at the first rule, "Take wonderful care of it, and treat it as if it were your own child. Do so, and you will be forever happy. Third, and most importantly," her voice grew somewhat quiet and she leaned forward slightly. Everyone leaned in a little closer to hear her. "Keep him away from those Villains. Understood?" she asked, righting herself, everyone quickly scrambling back to their original positions. "Y..yeah." Mickey said quietly. She "hrrr"ed again, and then reached into her cloak and brought out...
Everyone tensed...
A covered Easter basket.
She then walked back up to Mickey and he was about to take it when she teased him with it by holding it out to her side. "But!" she cried, making everyone jump. "What you are about to take into your hands will change the course of the Cartoon Worlds forever. Are you ready?" Mickey stared up at her, and looked behind her to see his friends. They looked at each other, and then nodded at him. He looked back at her, and then smiled, no longer afraid. He nodded, his head going up and down, up and down....
She made the strange chuckling noise, and then slowly handed him the basket, and when he held it in his hands, she turned in a whoosh of a cloak and was suddenly at the door. She held the frame in one hand, her figure about to disappear from their lives once again. Thunder rumbled and lightning crashed. She spoke once more.
"Oh, and Happy Birthday, Mickey Mouse." Then, she was gone.
Everyone slowly turned around to face Mickey once more. "Well...what is it?" Goofy asked as Minnie walked up from behind Mickey and put her hands on his shoulders, looking over him to stare at the basket. She shook himself, and then reached down with his left hand and took off the blanket covering it. Minnie and Mickey gasped, and Minnie quickly picked up the thing inside to cradle it in her arms and so everyone could see. In her arms was a baby, blue, dragon.
He gurgled, and opened his wide, yellow eyes to stare at her, and she flustered and giggled. He grinned, revealing sharp teeth, and said in a somewhat choked voice,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 Months later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I've had it with you three! It's time to GET ON WITH IT." a man's voice screamed out from the shadows of an apparent office, obviously exceedingly angry.
"We're sorry, Boss! But those twerps are just too powerful!" a woman's voice cried, as three shadowy figures fell to the floor in a worshiping pose.
"Garr...Too powerful? Don't act like I haven't met that annoyance...It's about time he learned his lesson..." The man's voice said calmly. Suddenly, he grinned evilly. "Ahhhh....I think I might have just the thing..." He pressed a button on his phone, and he spoke into it, his voice reverberating throughout the building they were in. People dressed head to toe in black with caps and eye masks on and a red R in the middle of their chest looked up at the intercom boxes, stopping what they were doing.
"All members come to the auditorium, I repeat, all members to the auditorium."
The man made a small movement with his hand at the three people, and looking stunned, they left the room. The Persian by his side purred contentedly; tail flicking as if relieved to see the people go. The man grinned again, and picked up his phone. Pressing several buttons, he put it to his ear and spoke into it when a male voice said, "Hello?" from the other line.
"Agent 364?" the man said.
"Yes, sir? You wanted us to go to the auditorium?" The agent's voice asked
"Yesss, but bring your...friend."
An inhale of breath was heard from the other side, but there was no comment on it. "Yes sir." the voice said, slightly worried. Both lines hung up as the man sat back in his chair, chuckling.
~~~~~~~~~~~Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Our leader, Giovanni!" the announcer screamed into his microphone over the nervous talk.
"This has GOT to be something important, or else...I was in the middle of another devious invention!" A man snarled. He had bright orange hair on the sides of his head, but was bald on top. He also had a long, orange moustache, a sharp nose and pointy eyes. He wore a long, white lab coat with several large blue stains on it. "Quiet, Dr. Nanba! Here he is!" a voice snarled beside him, but the figure was in shadow, making him invisible to the eye. Dr. Nanba muttered something under his breath, but fell quiet when a man walked onto the stage. He had on an orange suit and pants, with cropped brown hair and brown tie. His sharp brown eyes scanned the deadly quiet crowd, but he grinned, revealing pearly white teeth. On the stage with him were the three figures from before, looking rather uncomfortable and shuffling quietly. Suddenly, the man spoke, his voice confirming he was the man from before.
"My fellow long has it been since we started? Ten? Twenty years?" An uproar from the crowd greeted him. Then Giovanni began to pace. "But how many of those wonderful years were attempted to be stopped by people? First, there was our Expansion of Regions project, which would have been genius, had it not been stopped by THESE TWO!" He shouted, pointing to a screen behind him, where a picture showed up.
It was a picture of a beautiful green field with two people in it, sitting on a white bench. The first was a girl, who looked about thirteen. She had on a blue shirt with a red skirt on, and a yellow hip pack with a furry brown belt. On her feet were blue socks and white sneakers with red shoelaces, and adorning her head was a white hat with a half red Pokeball on it, and a red line going around the rim. Her eyes were wide open, revealing beautiful green-blue orbs. Her mouth was in a happy grin, also revealing canines on the top jaw that were longer than most people-though not long enough to qualify as a vampire. On her shoulder was a bright yellow Pokemon that looked like a mouse, but it had long ears that were in the shape of a long, thin oval. It had a lightning shaped tail, cute black eyes, brown stripes on its back, and red cheeks. Next to her was a boy, about her age, with messy, brown-colored hair and kind brown eyes. He had on a red sleeveless jacket, with a black t-shirt under it and blue jeans. Sitting on the ground was a foxish-looking yellow Pokemon. Long, bright yellow tufts of fur stuck out randomly across its body, and it had rabbit-like ears and a white, spiky mane around its neck, surrounding its fox-like face. Its eyes were full of curiosity, but a nice smile crossed its face.
As soon as the picture appeared, the were several gasps and nearly all of the crowd booed and shook their fists at the picture. Giovanni nodded in approval of this uproar, then the picture faded from view, and it stopped. "But fortunately, we took care of them, but we don't DARE go back there for fear of those horrible things the girl put there. But when we tried to take care of this region, we ran into a new problem. ASH KETCHUM!!" he roared, and another picture came onto the screen, receiving many hisses and much more booing.
The picture was of a boy, also looking about twelve or thirteen. He had jet-black hair that stuck up in random spikes all over his head, and dark brown eyes that almost looked black themselves. Covering his hair was a red baseball cap that had a thick black stripe in the middle that only went about 3/4 of the way down and in the middle of that was half of a green Pokeball, and black fingerless gloves with green trim covered his hands. He had on a blue jacket that was buttoned at the top with no sleeves and a black shirt underneath. He also had blue jeans and dark blue sneakers with black edges and white rubber on the bottom. On his shoulder was another mouse-like Pokemon.
The picture didn't fade, but the screaming stopped when Giovanni spoke again. "For almost three years now, most of our plans have been foiled by this INFERIOR boy and his rotten Pikachu and friends!" There was another loud uproar from this. He continued over the screaming. "But now, two forces shall clash! Agent 364! Show them your find!" Giovanni screamed, pointing to his right, where out came a younger rocket. He was dressed in the same design as the two people on the stage, but in black instead of white. Following him was the girl from the picture, looking about the stage rather curiously.
The crowd gasped.
The boy stopped, as did the girl, and looked out at the audience as if she didn't recognize them. Several backed up, as she was some kind of monster. "What was once our natural enemy is now our fighting machine! 364! Show them what I mean!" Giovanni cried. The boy nodded, and then said to the girl, "Change."
The girl stared at him for a minute, and then the most remarkable thing happened. Her nails grew sharper, and black dragonish wings with maroon membranes unfurled from her back. She took off her hat and shook her head, revealing brown cat ears, and her "belt" came undone to reveal a hairy tail with black pupils and a line making a mouth. It blinked, then yawned, revealing dagger-sharp teeth. The girl stared at his again, as if expecting him to be surprised. He didn't look it, but then again, neither did the rest of the crowd.
Giovanni continued "This girl, once-" He was cut off by Agent 364, who mumbled, "Karen." Giovanni stared at him. "What?" he said. "" the boy said through clenched teeth. Giovanni pursed his lips slightly, the continued. "Karen, once our natural enemy, is now our most amazing weapon! Thanks to our wonderful scientists-" A large applause filled the hall as the professors waved, grinning. "She is now completely under our control. And the controller is far away, so that rotten twerp won't know how to disable it! Of course, she only obeys 364 here, so you shall not need to 'tag along' on these three's next futile attempt to capture that rotten rat he calls a Pikachu. Is that understood?" Giovanni asked, looking at the boy. The girl grinned up at him, but the boy answered calmly, "Yes, sir."
"Now just one last thing..." Giovanni said, and then pulled out from his pocket a picture of the boy, Ash, and walked over to the girl. He handed the picture to the Agent, and the boy, in turn, turned to the girl, whilst she stopped grinning and cocked her head playfully at him. He sighed, and the held the picture up to her. She took it delicately from him, and stared at it. "Karen?" the boy asked. she stopped looking at the picture and stared back up at him, and made a questioning noise at the back of her throat. "Hrrr?" she said, the sound like a mix between the purr of a Persian and the growl of a Mightyena. Her wings shifted slightly on her back. "You see this boy?" he asked again.
"He's your next meal." the boy said calmly, but he gulped secretly.
The girl stared down at the picture again, and her tail rose up with her face to stare at the picture too while the crowd held their breath. What would she say? Would she refuse? Would she say she couldn't? The answer was given quickly.
The girl grinned evilly, and a fire grew in her eyes that burned with and ancient kind of hatred. Her canines gleamed while she chortled. The three figures from before, hidden in shadows still, bit their lips.
"Hrrr...." she said. "I simply can't wait to taste him..."
So, Read and Review! I have to go to school, so see ya later! (if this is in the wrong place, plz move it or leave it alone an let it die)
((Edit)) Wow.
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