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Prima offical guide mistake for MD

Baby Mew

There must be some kind of mistake in my guide book
It says the likelyness of the recuirtments
It say mews is Unlikey which is somewhat good
And for Lugia it says very unlikey which is not good at all

Now people are telling that mew's chance is 0.09%
And Lugia's chance is 99.9%
So who is right cause this is starting to annoy me VERY MUCH plz tell mew


Well-Known Member
The one that the people are saying is correct. Lugia has a recruit rate of 99.9%, while Mew has a 0.9% of being recruited.

Meta Knight

duh (no offence), every guide book (nintendo power and prima) makes mistakes. believe me, i know
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Well-Known Member
I have the Nintendo Power guide, and I only use if for everything BUT the Pokedex, it is inacturate.


ooo, what's cooking?
I'd rather use serebii's spin-off dex, serebii must be some kind of genius i swear!


Well-Known Member
Yes, the site is most always true, with a few little mistakes here and there.

Baby Mew

Thanx I just didn't want to travel 99 floors and not get anything from it.
