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~PrincessPolitoed's Sprites~


Artistic Nerd
Alright, I got to keep this thread alive, xD;

Hey there, some of you may remember me (probably not) but I'm PrincessPolitoed. I've been spriting for about a year and a half now and people tell me I'm really good, but I don't think I'm all that great, xD; Anyways, here is some of my stuff, if anyone wants any specfic info on what pokemon/bases I used in these or how long they took, just ask, and C+C would be great apperciated, I love long posts:


Yes, only 5 for now, I'm lazy and I need to transparentize my others :3
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I remember you. Your sprites were awesome. And I love the sprites. :] Mostly the last one because it's cute. xD; Is it a mix of Butterfree and Dragonair? *lost*


New Member
amazing...they are preety good


Artistic Nerd
>The Hazy Spriter< - I can't tell you how to sprite like that, not really something you can explain, just takes a lot of practice, thank you though :3

Sweet May - I believe I remember you too, you requested quite a few things way back when I had time for a request thread, xD. Yes the last one is a butterfree dragonair, and thank you ^^

Heres one of my best revamps, whee:

More comments on the others would be cool too.


Boulder Trainer
There Awesome, ive got a question...Could you make a Mix between Goukazaru(The Final evo of Hikozaru), Piloswine Evo and Typhlosion?

Dark Ray

DP Animator :O
Blink this is not a shop ¬_¬
*Steals them and Claims As Them*
XD j/k


Well-Known Member
All of them are pretty good.
About the fusion between Blastoise and Enperuto,Aren't those Salamence's wings?
The revamp is also good,but you could use some black outlines in the right places.

Nice work^^

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
The Blastoise thing could use more Salamence and Blastoise. Maybe add the ears of Salamence and the segmenting of Blastoise. Blosseon has mono-outline on the skin, except a small amount of shading on the tail. Also, the light sourse changes on the foot. In general, I think you should add a fifth shade for the outline to replace black. I think you should reduce the dithering on the skin of Butterfly Espeon. I think that you should make the grey on Syther zero saturation.
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Well-Known Member
zomg PP I love your Penguintortoisedragon. <3 It has alot of Enperuto though. IMO it doesn't have enough Blastoise except the chubbyness. XD *shot*
Do you think you're gonna make pre-evos?

And I loooove the others too.


baby tooth!

Your third one look like a scratch to me instead of a mix! Yes, you are that good! Great job on these!


Artistic Nerd
Blink - like dark ray said, this is not a request shop, xD; I only do requests if they're really creative and unique ideas which I want to do. The bannette/cacturne and butterfree/dragonair were actually requests, but I hate people who just asks for lengendaries mixed with final evolutions of starter pokemon, which 90% requests do

AMM...YEAH - that might be because its a 3 way mix with salamence, notice the tail? the stomach? the head thing being slighly edited to look like salamence's ear things? durr, xD;

ø®??G? ??* - YAY, CRIT! Thankyouthankyouthank, xDD I might edit a few of the things you mentioned, really, its apperciated.

CyroEmerald_Z - I wouldn't really call it a talent, spriting isn't really going to get me into a good college, but thanks nevertheless :3

Sharingan - Yay, hai poochy. xD, I know, I should probably should have left the shell on that thing, oh well. And I'm sure to make prevos, I was working on revamping gold wartortle before you mentoined that actually for a base for the middle stage. I have to make a mental note to comment on your sprites too D: *writes note*

silverdragon - You bet, I'd have some fun kicking some butt with those
Random Person: Go! Charizard!
Random Person: Dude, thats not a pokemon
Me: Wanna bet?
Butterfly Espeon: *uses "destory all noobs"*
Random Person: Wtf?

xD, aww man, that would be great

Anyways, I'll post some older sprites to keep you occupied till I sprite something new, I'm sorry about the lack of transparency


Prevos to Bancturne and Dragofree


An evo chain I started ages ago, I didn't get around to making the middle stage till a week ago though, xD


and butterfly umbreon. I made it go along with butterfly espeon, but I rushed through it and forgot key elements like the antenea and darkening the shade of grey and making it slighly pink. I plan to redo this one tomorrow

Hokai, thats all for now. Peace :3

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
The Cacnea's left arm has light from the ground. o_O Draterpie could use more Dratini IMO. Maybe make the antenna divided into three parts and be more pointy. Sphedot has very odd eye makeup. o_O I really want to crit the G/Moth Umbreon, but I want to see how you will fix it up first. All I will tell you for now is that you should make it so that the wings aren't that close to the ***. xD


Well-Known Member
they r sooo amazing,i love the butterfly/umberon...it just looks aewsome because it looks like a like cooler version lol i love it and for the 3rd pokemon at the top i think thats amazing i love it soo mucho lol your work is amazing and if u think for a second ur not good u gotta nother thing comming lol


Artistic Nerd

Alright, new sprite, I'm really sorry about the lack of tranparency, xD. Anyways, its a Gold Wartortle revamp, I made the enitre thing with a touch pad, wahhh ;-; I tried out a new style with it though, its kinda cool.

I promise I'll remake butterfly umbreon soon, really.