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Prismatic Ponies

Celestial Moth

Guardian of the Tree of Time

Hey lyra, i was wondering if you would trade either palkia or dialga for a rayquaza


New Member
Life Orb.
Razor Claw.
Dubious Disc.

if so request a trade i already have your friend code


Well-Known Member
What else do you need? Will you accept another 5 heart scales and 5 pp ups for 2 legends?


Well-Known Member
I'd like Zekrom and Kyurem.
I have a life orb, dusk stone, sun stone, pp max 2, max elixir 2, 10 more PP ups. How many more legendaries can I get from these items?


Well-Known Member
for the 5 pp ups and 5 heart scales earlier the legendaries I want are Azelf and Mesprit.
Can I get two more legendaries for the life orb, pp max and 5 pp ups like Cobalion and Uxie?


I'll do my Lilliest
Just have to save up enough BP.
Shouldn't take too long, will PM you when ready.
Kyurem. Really want kyurem.
A shiny female charizard? Can't be nicknamed.

Sure. Cressela and Kyurem with those two items? Done deal.

for the 5 pp ups and 5 heart scales earlier the legendaries I want are Azelf and Mesprit.
Can I get two more legendaries for the life orb, pp max and 5 pp ups like Cobalion and Uxie?
Yeah. All fine, just going to catch random Pokemon, nya~

★Shiny Sylveon★

Well-Known Member
Sure Deal!
Focus Sash and Life Orb for Cresselia.
Shiny Female Charizard For Kyurem.

Razor Fang and Razor Claw for Reshiram?
If yes, I will have to save up a lot of BP.
Last edited:


I'll do my Lilliest
Sure Deal!
Focus Sash and Life Orb for Cresselia.
Shiny Female Charizard For Kyurem.

Razor Fang and Razor Claw for Reshiram?
If yes, I will have to save up a lot of BP.

Yup. That's all goods. All of the above.

Cool. I added you already. Ready when you are.

Give me a second. Still catching randoms.

I'll post another post when I'm ready, nya~