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Trying to decrease my Togekiss' attack and HP stat to make room for max speed, but when I feed it any of the EV-lowering berries it just says "It won't have any effect". I also can't use Carbos, or even a Swift Feather to increase its speed stat. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

To help. here's some info on my Togekiss:

Lv: 100
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Modest (+Sp. Atk. & - Attack)
Hp: "Best" 311 (MAX stat is 374)
Attack: "Best" 122 (MAX stat is 218)
Defense: "Hyper trained!" 226 (MAX stat is 317)
Sp. Atk.: "Best" 372 (MAX stat is 372)
Sp. Def.: "Best" 324 (MAX stat is 361)
Speed: "Best" 202 (MAX stat is 284)

As you can see, it's far from maxed in most of its stats, but I cant increase them anymore... Please help!

Sceptile Leaf Blade

Nighttime Guardian
You're close to being maxed out on special defence. Max is 329 on neutral natures, not 361. You're at (rounded down to multiples of 4) 252 Sp.Atk EVs, 232 Sp.Def EVs, and 24 Speed EVs. If you want max special attack and max speed, give it a bunch of Grepa Berries to get the special defence down, because your EV total is already filled at 510 right now.
You're close to being maxed out on special defence. Max is 329 on neutral natures, not 361. You're at (rounded down to multiples of 4) 252 Sp.Atk EVs, 232 Sp.Def EVs, and 24 Speed EVs. If you want max special attack and max speed, give it a bunch of Grepa Berries to get the special defence down, because your EV total is already filled at 510 right now.
Oh I didn't see that at all. Thanks a bunch!