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Project Power

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many people try to design games here is a basic fan made game idea"title-George goes to somewhere.george has to find 3 magic hats and can jump punch and fly.its in the desert."
my game project power,is a bit more detailed,im not going to post the entire thing as i might submit it to hudson bee ir whatever made last luigi game.
the title is Luigi and the gem of power
plot-luigi must save mario who is stuck inside the gem of power and stop rachinkur(ohhhh..bad name..spooky...)
the game takes place in 8 pyramids,the desert,and the moon
there is time traveling,minigames,wi fi and the shroobs,bowser and the other badguy mentioned earlier
Luigi gains 7 special moves and can enter "gem mode"(c summary in later post)they are in the instruction list

heres the instruction list and items

Basic ontrols so far

Analog stick-move
A-jump jump sub moves-triple jump-jump three times while

running,ground pound-jump and press Z,Dive at enemy-jump and

press B in air,backflip-hold Z to crouch and jump,wall jump jump

on wall
Gem Moves
Fire Ball-Hold B and Shake Nunchuku then usewiimote to aim and

release B to fire
Water Control-Hold 1 and use Wiimote and Nunchuku as 2 big hands

2 move the water
Nature Control-Hold 2 and aim wiimote at plant wanted to grow

then move nunchuku to trace out growth line release 2 to activate
Flight-simply hold A while in the air to taake of then use wii

mote to guide luigi for a short time
Stealth-press up on dpad to revert to a shadow and sneak alond

press up again to de activate
Illumination-Press down on the dpad to toggle on off the area

around u will be illumionated and attract enemies
Sandspin-hold C and shake Nunchuku to use sandspin


Coin-gives u a coin

Mini Gem-used to power gem mode(obtainable only after gem of power is obtained)

Mushroom-COmpletely heals(10 health)

Mega Mushroom turns u giant for a time and doubles strenght

Mini mushroom-shrinks u for a time and doubles your speed

Starman-makes u ionvincible for a time

Shyguy mask-makes badguys leave u alone except for bosses,use

able 3 times pper mask,cannot jump while using
im also posting the begining sequence and tutorial,im up to the part were u find the air key


Mario is walking in a dust filled pyramid.He sees a clear gem on
an altar.He goes to grab it.A flash of light.A gohostly iomage of
a pharoiah apears.Mario screams "Luigi"!!.Another flash of
light.U c the gem. zooms in on gem.Mario is inside the gem.Fade
out.Fade in to Luigi eating toast at a table.THe doorbell
rings.Luigi opens the door.Peach comes running in crying.Luigi
asks whasa wrong?Peach says Mario is gone!.Ohno!says Luigi.Luigi
boards a plane to the desert.He arrives and a Huge bombomb appers
out of the sand.

The Tutorial

Luigi has a backpack.Luigi!!!screams the backpack.Luigi screams
and jumps 15 feet in the air.Luigi drops the backpack.It
wiggles.Out pops Toadbert.Waah?says Luigi.Luigi old chap syas
toadbert it appears we are in a bit of pinch eh wat.Luigi comes
into yur control.A small blue text window opens at the bottom
with toadbert by it.Luigi press A to jump onto that tile.U have
to jump onto a tile with a sandy whirlpool pic on it.Now jump and
press z to activate the sink whole says toadbert.do so and a
large sink whole will swallow the bombomb but itl just be
stuck.Luigi jump 3 times while running to jump over the bomb omb
says todbert.do so to reach a platform with bombombs on the other
side.Luigi press a to grab a bombomb and throw it at the big
bombomb.do so and the sink whole will fully swallow the big
bomomb.then the key to the fire pyramid will apear.run and get
it.Good show old boy says toadbert what could this key unlock??A
bombomb walks over to the sink whole icon and explodes.Luigi
falls down into the hole.Toad bert says can u hear me
Luigi??Luigi says yeah.Good that means the communicator works
says toadbert.u walk down the hallway and into a room.in the
middle is an altar with a gem(the gem of sand)U walk toward it
and grab it.The floor rumbles.The big bombomb comes in.Ahhhhhh
screams luigi.Luigi use the sand gems power to do a sand
spin!!Hold B!!!u Hold C and Shake the Nunchucku to use sand

spin.hit the boss 3 times to make him explode.once he
explodeds on the surface 7 pyramids will apear 6 smaller ones
circleing a big one.the 6 small ones each have there
corresponding symbol.once u get out Toadbert says Luigi that
pyramid there has a symbol that mathces the one on ypur key go
and try it.u go to the door and it opens when u put the key in.
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