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proud of ur file? how?

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Fog Trainer
Are you proud of your file?
Why are you?

I am proud of my file because I have...

Collosseum Ho-oH.
All collosseum pokemon.

Aurora ticket.
Eon Ticket.

*everyone claps hands*


Well-Known Member
Compared to what you have, I am down right sad at my file. But I am proud of my Silver Trainer Card (Master Rank Contest, Elite Four, and 200 Pokemon) and my large selection of Pokemon. Plus loads of cash.
I'm proud of my File because it doesn't erases on its own. 'Nuff said...


In Emerald I have two trainer stars. I also caught Kyogre with one net ball without fighting it. That's about it.


Jade Star Trainer
Missingno. Master said:
Gold trainer card

Safe Missingno.

All 386 Pokemon

All XD Pokemon

Some Colo. Pokemon

All 7 gold Frontier Symbols

Countless lv. 100s

Mystic Ticket

Aurora Ticket

Eon Ticket

Old Sea Map

Multiple copies of most legendary Pokemon

22 shiny Pokemon

You may all applaud now.

i applaud for u

i have beat the elite 4 numerous times, and champ against all my friends
Missingno. Master said:
Gold trainer card

Safe Missingno.

All 386 Pokemon

All XD Pokemon

Some Colo. Pokemon

All 7 gold Frontier Symbols

Countless lv. 100s

Mystic Ticket

Aurora Ticket

Eon Ticket

Old Sea Map

Multiple copies of most legendary Pokemon

22 shiny Pokemon

You may all applaud now.

do you actually expect me to believe you?!liar!

Cipher Admin Skarmory

do you actually expect me to believe you?!liar!
Missingo Master is not a liar, he only has good luck and an acti*n repl*y (You admited in a thread saying that you have the 386 pokemon)


MM, I'm disappointed. =P But seriously, should you really be proud of something you sharked?

Anyways, I'm happy with my Sapphire file. I have a Gold trainer card, which means completion of the Hoenn Dex, Hall of Fame, Battle Tower 50, and Master Rank contests.


Mind Trainer
I'm just proud of my 201 pokemon caught in my ruby. And my 100% legit Jirachi. Even though probably many people have it.

Missingno. Master

Poison-type Trainer
Cipher Admin Skarmory said:
Missingo Master is not a liar, he only has good luck and an acti*n repl*y (You admited in a thread saying that you have the 386 pokemon)
Well, if you had read the whole thing, you would have known that I only used it to get the old sea map, eon ticket, aurora ticket, and mystic ticket and t activate them! I don't use them to just hack pokemon out of thin air, and i ESPECIALLY don't use it for shinies!

do you actually expect me to believe you?!liar!

Oh sure, call me a liar because I've acomplished a lot in my Pokemon games!

S:C said:
MM, I'm disappointed. =P But seriously, should you really be proud of something you sharked?

What I sharked were those otherwise unavailable tickets! I caught the actual Pokemon with my own sweat, blood, and Ultra Balls!

You people disgust me! Except you, Cipher Admin Skarmory, you stood up for me.


Well-Known Member
I use AR sparingly. In Ruby:

Beat E4 46 times

Legit 201 pokemon in dex

2 legit shinies

A level 66 crobat non ARed

Won master rank contest for every category

Whiscash with 15 ribbons

I like my file, even if I did AR it for some stuff.


one love
No, I'm not very proud of my file, but then again I'm not ashamed at its slipshod condition. I do what I want in my games, and getting stars on my trainer card is not one of those goals. I am a very prolific breeder and I like my Trainer IDs, though, so, um, yay. ;]


I'm happy for having caught Rayquaza before the E4 with a level 40~45 team and that's it. =P


i'm proud of my file (emerald) because:

355 pokemon (with ONLY the aid of fr/lg trading)
15+ shinies (some are traded)
Beat E4 near 400 times
Over 40 lvl100s
730+ hours on the save file
Never used acro bike unless absolutely neccessary
9.15 seconds on cycling road


finally i know this is something not to be proud of but...i really like my ID number XD 64455
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I like my Emerald File. I'm putting all the Pokemon I'm keeping on it.

Some of the pokemon are sharked, but they weren't sharked on the Emerald game, but what am I ment to do? Nintendo don't come here and give us things like the Eon Ticket and I don't have the thing to play Colo. on and I don't know anyone else near me who plays it.

I have 1 legit Shiney. However hard I look, I have never found any others.
My Kyogre has all the contest ribbons, the hard worker one, hall of fame and the being picked for gallery ribbon and hes also at level 100 legit. (I all all neutral pokemon 'he' cos its kinder than 'it')


Fog Trainer
Nice acomplishments guys... please try not to post sharked proudness lol!

Few more to add...
understand Evs and use them. Only Ev trainer amongst my mates
I win against all my mates too! EV prolly the reason lol

PKMN Legend Anthony

Water Gym Leader.
385 pokemon in pokedex Damn Mew!!!
6 legit shinys
8 badges
nealy alll symbolsin Gold (need 2 more)
all my team @ lv100
and a Silver trainer card (Gold hear i come!!!!!!!)
I am proud of mines cos I have complete the full national pokedex and I have all the unown in ruby aswell,I have a lv.100 pikachu,raichu,pichu.:D
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