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PS3 gets more production delays


Awaiting October.
sure looks that way...
how bout the just give it up and never produce a gaming console EVER!! i laugh at their failure it's what i've wanted since the PSP was said to be coming out..YAY to the idiots that run sony..


I dunno lol
sure looks that way...
how bout the just give it up and never produce a gaming console EVER!! i laugh at their failure it's what i've wanted since the PSP was said to be coming out..YAY to the idiots that run sony..

I'm no big fan of the way Sony runs things, but isn't that a bit ignorant?

Meh. It probably will fail to catch interest anyway, due to the expensive console in itself, no truly great games at launch, and a few other quirky little details.

But, these guys need to find a way to take Blu-Ray out altogether, and focus on the games just this once, so they actually have a shot at being some healthy competition.

I don't think Sony's video game sparks will die out just yet, they'll probably just find some other way to try and get it to sell, when they realize this strategy isn't working.

They definitely aren't idiots, but they fail to see that Blu-Ray penetration is, and will be, low. It's expensive for one, and I don't think anybody now just gives a damn about it. The lazy b*tches today won't even get off the couch; what makes them think they'll buy a Playstation 3 for Blu-Ray, when most already have a perfectly fine DVD player that works great? I just think Blu-Ray is pushing itself a bit too early, before the general public is ready to push DVDs aside and embrace the two new formats.

But, yeah; they're screwed. They need to stop cutting shipments, or many customers will leave stores disappointed (the ones who want to buy them) without one, give up on ever getting one, and set their sights on another, more available console, such as the ever present Xbox 360.

Don't forget though, folks, that this will affect a load of other factors as well, like the number of players online, and the games bought, due to the limited people that will have a PS3.

In one word? Screwed.


The name says it all
Yeah and who know how many glitches the consle itself will have? I mean just look at the 360's launch. And Blue-ray is some pretty new tech which makes the chances of glitches higher.


Well-Known Member
Someone posted an interesting article on this site talking abiout rigures. Sony's in alot of debt and because they loose out on every PS3 they sell at launch, they'll be in mroe debt by June 07. Their gaming buisness is the onyl thing keeping them going at the moment, and it looks like it's about to fail.


Well-Known Member
It's a... SONY! It's gonna be craptacular at everything but games(PS2 DVD player anyone?) gonna get a remold(PSOne and PS2slim) and Sony just ain't good at public relations, they should scrap Bluray and sell the ps3 under it's proper name PS2 WITH A NEW GRAPHICS CARD AND AN UGLY NEW LOOK.


Hoenn Champion
Well, I think that the PS3 is not going to be so popular because of the price. It is not that it is not going to have any good games, there are a few that i like the look of. It is the price of the consople that will be it's let down.


I am the game
I agree i dont even want blu ray when i buy the PS3