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PS3 Online....

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revelations1 17
PS3 Watch
Nov 01 '05

Harrison on PS3 Online

As we suspected months ago in our interview with Epic’s Mark Rein, it looks like Sony will in fact go with an open architecture for its online model. What does that mean, exactly? Basically, the way that the PlayStation 2’s online model operates will be applied to the PlayStation 3. While Harrison admitted that the Xbox Live online gaming service is one of the things that Microsoft has done well, he said that Sony’s plan is to let publishers establish their own means for getting consumers online and to let the publishers interact with consumers directly instead of using Sony as some kind of buffer for the online experience.

Unfortunately, by going with this model, Sony runs the risk of repeating its mistakes. The PS2 online model has proven to work with some sports games, a few shooters like SOCOM, and Final Fantasy XI, but outside of those, very few PS2 games have found success online. If Sony does a better job of promoting the online experience with the PlayStation 3 and at least attempts to have some sort of unifying structure, then this may not be the case.

!! Worst. Move. Ever. Discuss.


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Sony are really making it so developers dont want to develop for it


Iblis Wings
......Well another reason why I aint getting PS3 now. Why PS2 version? Tht's what I don't get really.


Sad really. They actually say how good the Xbox's online service is, but decide not to do it? Nintendo has actually taken over Sony by having a better online service than Sony.


Irate Pirate
It seems as though Sony don't give a crap about doing anything this generation, although with the amount of mindless drones they have buying anything they produce who can blame them


Well-Known Member
At least online play on the Playstation 3 will be free? :\

Online play isn't a big deal in Japan which is probably the reason why Sony isn't investing too much (Read: no money) into a global online matching system. Most of the developers who opt for online play tend to be Western companies due to the West's love of fast paced action games (Halo, SOCOM, Unreal). However, I can't help but think this will bite Sony in the rear when the trend for online console multiplayer is still as high as ever in America and Europe. Third party developers who make multiplatform games won't be pleased if they have to code their own online matching client when all they had to do with the X360 is to call a couple functions, refer some DLLs, and do other finishing touches integrate Live with their software.

But honestly, considering the amount of BS Sony has been doing the last couple weeks, especially with their rootkit fiasco, the PS3 has been looking more and more unattractive to me.
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Well-Known Member
Swiffy said:
At least online play on the Playstation 3 will be free? :\

Online play isn't a big deal in Japan which is probably the reason why Sony isn't investing too much (Read: no money) into a global online matching system. Most of the developers who opt for online play tend to be Western companies due to the West's love of fast paced action games (Halo, SOCOM, Unreal). However, I can't help but think this will bite them in the rear when the trend for online console multiplayer is still as high as ever in America and Europe. Third party developers who make multiplatform games won't be pleased if they have to code their own online matching client when all they had to do with the X360 is to call a couple functions, refer some DLLs, and do other finishing touches integrate Live with their software.

But honestly, considering the amount of BS Sony has been doing the last couple weeks, especially with their rootkit fiasco, the PS3 has been looking more and more unattractive to me.
Er, Nintendo are FAR bigger in Japan than Sony and Nintendo's even going for a good online stratergy. Everyone in Japan who owns a game console, almost definatly owns a GC whereas only a handful own a PS2 as well. Even if Sony was big in Japan, America, Europe and Austrailia are far to bigger markets to just forget about.

I think Sony has something up their sleave. They can't be making this amount of mistakes without something special to come. Maybe what they've been telling us for the past 6 monthes has been a complete lie, the controllers will be amazingly comfortable, they have loads of 3rd party surport, their online system will be outstanding and they haven't sold all their good games to the 360... However, I highly dought this.


Well-Known Member
Everyone in Japan who owns a game console, almost definatly owns a GC whereas only a handful own a PS2 as well.
Where did you get that information? Link?

The best data I happen to have on the Japanese market is this:


The polls in Japan show that majority of gamers between ages 10-59 are planning on buying a Playstation 3 while only 8% plan to buy a Revolution and X-Box 360 a measly 2%. Though, keep in mind that this was before Nintendo announced the Revolution controllers but I doubt that that made a seriously significant dent in the current attitudinal climate in Japan.

Sony has a pretty solid grip on the Japanese market. It makes sense that they do since their current system has an enormous library of console RPGs that them Japanese certainly like to play.

you do realize Nintendo's is to right?
Uh... Yes? What's your point? The subject matter of my post was comparing the X-Box 360's online capabilities with the Playstation 3's online capabilities. The Nintendo Revolution doesn't concern the subject matter of that post at all, so no need to get all defensive about it.

I don't hold the Playstation 3 and its parent company very positively, please keep this in mind.
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ghost master

the kawaiist thing
Uh... Yes? What's your point? The subject matter of my post was comparing the X-Box 360's online capabilities with the Playstation 3's online capabilities. The Nintendo Revolution doesn't concern the subject matter of that post at all, so no need to get all defensive about it.

I don't hold the Playstation 3 and its parent company very positively, please keep this in mind.
I wasn't getting defensive I was just stating that since it seemed you were talking about all three systems since all systems offer online functions. Also Nintendo is a lot bigger than you make it out to be. After the Revolution controller anouncement it was a lot bigger although a lot of the japanese said that they would have a wait and see attitude on the controller. Anywho.


Well-Known Member
ghost master said:
I wasn't getting defensive I was just stating that since it seemed you were talking about all three systems since all systems offer online functions. Also Nintendo is a lot bigger than you make it out to be. After the Revolution controller anouncement it was a lot bigger although a lot of the japanese said that they would have a wait and see attitude on the controller. Anywho.
Okay, I just found some more recent polling figures concerning console interest post-announcement of the Revolution controllers.


Interest of the Revolution has jumped to 36% and the X-Box 360 to 24%, amazing climbs considering how low they were last time. The Playstation 3, however, still has a pluraltiy of 63%.

So, yes, the new details on the Revolution certainly gave it a boost in attractiveness, but still not enough to dethrone Sony, unfortunately.


revelations1 17
Swifty said:
Okay, I just found some more recent polling figures concerning console interest post-announcement of the Revolution controllers.


Interest of the Revolution has jumped to 36% and the X-Box 360 to 24%, amazing climbs considering how low they were last time. The Playstation 3, however, still has a pluraltiy of 63%.

So, yes, the new details on the Revolution certainly gave it a boost in attractiveness, but still not enough to dethrone Sony, unfortunately.
o_O WTF. Revo's 36% + X360's 24% = 60%. PS3 has 63%? Whaaa? I like your base 123 %age system. o_o



Well-Known Member
Steve said:
o_O WTF. Revo's 36% + X360's 24% = 60%. PS3 has 63%? Whaaa? I like your base 123 %age system. o_o

I was wondering about that too, but I'm assuming there are people who want to purchase more than one system.
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