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PS3 vs Wii vs 360

What Next Gen will you get

  • PS3

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Wii

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • 360

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Which is best?


The Plot Thickens
Wii, of course.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
I myself am getting a Wii, but I think that in the end the 360 will come out on top, as it has a huge edge over the PS3.


I myself am getting a Wii, but I think that in the end the 360 will come out on top, as it has a huge edge over the PS3.

you figure this how?

Personal i'm going to get a job save some money and get PS3 cuz its the best.
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Galatica Phantom

Mineral Trainer
Well, the Wii is inovative, but in competitive gaming, it needs to be a controller, nor a sensative remote. So I think Xbox 360 will dominate. Ps3 will fail.

Flame Haze SnS

When will this topic ever going to stop?! >_<

Wii for me all the way! ^_^


Dungeon Master
I'll be going with the PS3 and Wii. But I do agree that these topics are getting out of hand. There really should be an official discussion topic for each of the three systems stickied here.


I am Erureido
Personal i'm going to get a job save some money and get PS3 cuz its the best.

You have posted the most intellectual post on this board. You have won the internet [/sarcasm]

Anyway, you are entitled to your opinion, despite that i dont agree with it. I voted for the Wii, because i have the most faith in that. PS3 may fall, and i know the 360 is already a sucess, but i aint getting one soon.

Btw, since these threads are 'all the rage by the newbs', shouldnt someone close this thread? XD


Well-Known Member
I dont intend to go out and buy a crappy $600+ thing just because i want it...

The Xbox 360 however ill wait till it gets to the $100-$200 area before i buy it...

But ive always liked Nintendo games/systems/etc. so my vote goes to the Wii.
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