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PSP.....worth getting?


Ultimate evil grinXD
Hey I just wanted to ask everyone's opinion whether a PSP is worth getting today or not? I already own a DS and a GBA.


Ultimate evil grinXD
OK, so I shouldnt buy it.....WHY THE HELL NOT??!!! Give me reasons!
I already have a PS2, since I dont own any portable DVD players, or Ipods, I could get it all in one with the PSP. But are there any reasons to go against it?

DaN ere

Fire Master
Mine has pretty much broke, I can still play but it doesn't stay closed. Sometimes i'm in the middle of a game it opens and takes ages to close.


I want to get a PSP, simply because it has Mega Man: Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X, both of which are apparently excellent games.

I haven't bought one yet simply because I haven't gotten around to it. Similar to how I don't have a DS either...


Eh, ragazzo!
If you like the games on a PSP... Yes.

If you don't like the games on a PSP... No.
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I'd hit it!
It's pretty much up to you. I own a DS, DS Lite and a PSP. Most of my PSP games are imported either form the UK or Japan.

It's just a matter of taste and whatever.

UMD's are still made for it, but only in Japan and a few UMD's come out in my area.

The only games I recommend are Daxter, Megaman Powered Up!, Megaman X Maverick Hunter, Breath of Fire III (Imported from the UK), Parodius Portal (Japanese Import) or Salamander Portable (Japan).


Hoenn Champion
Well, I thnk that there are some pretty good games out/coming out on the PSP. There is Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth already out, along with Tales of Eternia. Then, there are some games coming out that look like they will be pretty good.
-Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
-Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War.

But, you need to say what type of games you like before wecould say if it is worth getting.


yes get the psp!
it is worth all the money!
i have a ds lite and a psp and i prefer my psp better, until i get pokemon diamond :p

DaN ere

Fire Master
Ok PSP's are quite good, they have good games, u can watch films and put dvd's on them, you can put music on them and listen to that and if you you have any form of wi-fi in your house you can even use the internet on them. Yes PSP's are worth gettin.

Smile Guy

Keep Smiling...
There are a grand total of about two good games on PSP. It's too big for an MP3 player, to smashable for a handheld, and too small a screen for an MP4 player. Yeah... and to think everyone though it would beat the DS.


Well-Known Member
There are a grand total of about two good games on PSP. It's too big for an MP3 player, to smashable for a handheld, and too small a screen for an MP4 player. Yeah... and to think everyone though it would beat the DS.

I disagree with the MP4 player statement. Indeed the screen isn't the same size as an average MP4 player, but it still is a reasonable size.

I have to say I agree with the other things you said. I used to use mine for an MP3 player - I had to buy an 8GB memory card to fit all my songs onto it. However it cost me £150 (2 weeks pay x_x) on eBay. I had to pirate all the music or buy albums as Napster didn’t allow me to put music onto it =/ (Napster light...). I recently bought a new MP3 player and now the PSP is sitting on my dresser gathering dust!

My friend also has a PSP; he dropped his from about 2 feet off the ground onto carpet, and the disk cover was totally broken (as in it would stay closed).The screen is damaged too easily also - and the joystick can break off easily.

There aren’t many NEW games out for it - most are old remakes of PS1 games.

Sony has a lot to overcome with the PSP2!

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Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
If you want to get a PSP, save your money for a laptop.


It's great for emulation. Getting a 4 gig memory stick to hold a lot of games is worth it, and it pays for itself if you're downloading a lot of games for it.


Paladin Of Pikachus
I want to get a PSP, simply because it has Mega Man: Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X, both of which are apparently excellent games.

I haven't bought one yet simply because I haven't gotten around to it. Similar to how I don't have a DS either...

both are awesome game's, I bought mine just for them, sure I don't play it as much as my DS, but I use it as an mp3 player daily(I only have a 512 card)

also, monster hunter freedom is good, and MHF2 comes out later this year (both are capcom game's, oddly enough my 3 PSP games all start with M, and are all made by Capcom...)

do not expect more than a few week's of entertainment with either megaman game' unless you have wireless internet fr MMPU, to download and upload custom stage's, in which case it will probably last you a few months of toying around with it in your spare time.

Emulation wise, I just can't say, since mine is a 3.03 I can't downgrade without GTA:LCS (unpatched), which of course I don't hav (I hate GTA game's. might coul get the files and go borrow a used copy at my local gamestop....)

cecil 090

chaos of the night
I'd get a PSP it beats the crap out of the DS.

1. It does make for a good MP3 player even with it's size.

2. The graphics on it's games kills the DS

3. Some great game titles are coming out for it. (god of war, final fantasy)

4. It can also play movies which is really nice to have along with pictures

5. The loading times are like 5 seconds 10 at the most.

6. It already has good games such as GTA, Megaman, and more.


The Sexy Nerd
Well, I have both. But I just bought an R4 DS, and it turns my DS int a multimedia platform. And it + my DS cost less than my PSP. PSP is OK, but theres no games I really like for it, Grand Theft Auto is OK though.
Just go with what you want.