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Psychick deck

Please could you rate my deck that i use as my main and suggest any changes

3 baltoy(H.L)
2 claydol(H.L)
3 Beldum (H.L)
2 Metang(H.L)
2 Chimecho(H.L)
1 Mr.Mime (base set)
2 Evee (original Team Rocket set)
1 Evee (neo)
2 Espeon (Sandstorm)
1 Mewtwo ex (ruby and sapphire)

28 Psychic energy

4 Potion
1 challege (original team rocket set)
3 Pokeball
Magnetic storm (stadium)
Pokemon trader (base set)
2 energy removal (base set)
Nightly garbage run (original team rocket set)
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Mew Master

ADD metagross get rid of Chimeco