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Psychotic Desire (Poem)

Brian Random

A/N: Remember the psychotic pokemons from PI2? This poem is based on their POV, moments before facing Wes, Ash and Black Jack. This poem is Rated PG

Psychotic Desire (Poem)

We’re all alone inside in a pitch-black room
For those who did and will make us suffer
Will feel an impending doom

We can’t remember much
Before we felt
The Team Dark’s touch

They fed us not
Apart from their chemical juice
And some punching bag bot

They tried to tame
But to keep us in this room
Keeps us going insane

Three chosen humans intend to beat us
To do some rescuing
Does it mean to rescue us?

Mostly appreciated
But Team Dark’s controlling our minds
To keep us from being defeated

You better watch your backs
Wes, Ash and Black Jack
One of us has a specialty in using tacks

We strongly desire to be free
We love to massacre
Not to climb some lonely tree

We’re hungry
Now that we told you the story, let us out
Because we want to hurt somebody

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