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Psyduck in ranger


99% chance to hit
how do i get psyduck? its somewhere in the safra sea because this guy said there's this "silly yellow thing" and he said its psyduck

zonic the hedgehog

It's found in the little place where you have a timer counting and you are riding on Lapras.

You can only find Psyduck after you catch all the Sharpedo/Carvanha on the southeast side of the course.

After doing that, it should appear near the same area floating on the water.

I should warn you that psyduck takes 30 circles to obtain, which is a b*tch (thankfully, it doesn't move much). >_>

zonic the hedgehog

around or exactly how many carvanha/sharpedo

I think about 5 Sharpedo and the same amount of Carvanha.

You should try to make sure to ecounter two at a time to speed up the process so you make it to Psyduck before the timer runs out.
