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Psyduck, Torchic, or Pochama?

Which bird was best?

  • Total voters


Slip slidin'
To counter (or abet?) the emerging Misty/May/Hikari threads, I give you a poll about birds. They each had one, which did you like best?

I didn't like Torchic at all until it evolved and haven't seen enough of Pochama to judge properly (though it seemed irksome enough in the first episode), so overall I preferred Psyduck, even if it was annoying most of the time. It was cute without being sold as such and had it's moments of humour to make up for keeping Misty from battling normally, so it all evened out.


Yeah, ok!
Tough choices.

From what we've seen of Poochama so far, I love it.

Psyduck was awesome in Kanto/Orange, but we barely saw the guy in Johto. Kinda like Misty actually, who was great in Kanto/Orange but then became too motherly and lost nearly all her personality.

Torchic was more comic relief rather than a battler, and watching it run head-first into a rock cannot be described as anything BUT funny unless you're some emotionally repressed invididual who lives in a dark room and worships goths.

They were all pretty cool Pokemon, but when Torchic evolved it became one of the best Pokemon in the series, whereas Psyduck never amounted to much, and it's too early to say for Poochama.
Pochama. I like its bratty attitude. I never really liked Psyduck, and Tochic never really did anything noteworthy in my eyes.

Plus, Pochama did a barrel roll in the latest episode, which automatically makes it better.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Psyduck was cool...but it lost it's appeal soon.....

Torchic sucked till it evolved into the awesome Blaziken.

And Pochamma is already cool, ESPECIALLY after that little MI-roll it did.


Psyduck:Its running joke stopped being funny after the second time. It doesn't really look that great(its design tries to be well-done comical but fails). Next.
Torchic:Forgettable until it evolved into Combusken. Then Combusken evolved into Blaziken and it became ugl...forgettable. Again.
Pochama:perfection in a tiny blue penguin.

Since I'm assuming that the Torchic option is only for Torchic and not for Combusken whatsoever I'll have to vote for Pochama. Unless it manages to stop being a great little penguin at some point(which I can't see happening unless we all get bored with its personality somehow), it'll remain the winner of this poll for all eternity. :p
Psyduck is the best. Torchic was too much of a boring wimp for my taste, and I haven't seen Pochama yet, so Psyduck is my pick. And besides, I like him to begin with. He wasn't the greatest of characters, but he was cute at times, and had a fair share of laughs.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
I'm actually gonna go with Psyduck.

Psyduck is one of the Great Idiot Pokemon of the series, up there with Brock's Lotad and that Naetle in Professor Namethatsreallylong's lab. Torchic's antics were amusing for the first couple episodes, but after that I really didn't like the thing until it evolved into Combusken, when it became a badass fighter. Haven't seen much of Pochama thus far, but its bratty attitude isn't quite as charming as Torchic's.


Well-Known Member
Pocchama: Pkmn of one of the cutest trainers around lol. Plus nicer evo.


Codenumber 242
Psyduck. No further comment.


Contaminated KFC
I really loved Torchic, and the fact that she was a complete stooge that could never do anything right, except when it was in a fit of rage. She was different from the usual, and that's why she was one of the more entertaining pokémon in the show.
Buuuuuttt.....Pochama's got more going for it at the moment. It's kinda pompous and somewhat full of itself, and appears to have a real stubborn attitude. I often warm up to characters like that, so I'll have to vote for the Penguin this time around.

I do like Psyduck too~


blows stuff uhup
Torchic was a little fuzzy ball of cute. Pochama will pimpslap you. But Psyduck owns on every conceivable level. So, Psyduck > Pochama > Torchic.
Psyduck pwns you with it's contaigous(sp?) headache o' DOOM!


Lol yeah, I remember in one particular episode Psyduck got really p**sed at a Venomoth or something and owned the little noob.

Although I like Psyduck and Torchic, I like Pochama the most. It already has an interesting attitude being a brat and all. I can see it being one of my favorite birds.