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Psyguy, présont


Awsome or what?
Psyguy, présont

Hey there, I'm Psyguy! Mainly because I love psychic pokémon and I am a guy...Well then I visited the site lots of times because D/P was coming out so I wanted to see the pokémon and that. I never noticed the forum button in Site Main until yesterday which was when I registered. Well I hope to be with good friends! :D



Well-Known Member
Welcome, and don't forget to read the rules, also you can PM me if you want to talk about anything.

Stay away from Pointless thread and don't post there.

And good for you to join one of the best forums floating in the CyberSpace.....


Awsome or what?
Hey there hotshotz! I will NOT post in pointless topics so don't u worry. I have already read the rules anyway.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forums =D!

*insert overly used 'follow the rules' message here* Enjoy yourself. And also..

The thread title.. would that be in French? o_o *is currently learning French in HS*


Awsome or what?
Yeah it's French although I put the girl present than the guys X3


Queen of Charizards!
Cool, nice to meet you. Hope you haev loads of fun here


Shinx <3
Hi.Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay here. Pm me if you want to be friends.