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Purifying pokemon colosseum


Problem magnet
Hey I bet this sounds noobish but I need a quick and easy way to purify all the pokemon in colosseum I want ho-oh so I can complete my pokedex. So please no rude remarks I would like an answer yes if there is one or no close this thread


Who can say?
When I did it I found an area where there were a lot of traners to re-battle, such as the Warehouse/Underground area in Pyrite Town. I kept running through it battle along the way. Everytime I exited I could just re-enter and start again (Heal machine at megining as well) My team had 4 shadows and two of my main team (just incase) as battles and just walking around lower the shadow guage. Plus I made sure there was always a shadow pokemon in the day care. This worked because of the distance I traveled.

Unfortunatly purifying does take a long time in Colossuem as there is no chamber like in XD. The pokemon must be in your team as the day care can only take one at a time. Battles are the best way...
Hey I bet this sounds noobish but I need a quick and easy way to purify all the pokemon in colosseum I want ho-oh so I can complete my pokedex. So please no rude remarks I would like an answer yes if there is one or no close this thread

Here's what i did, this way you can do up to as many pokemon you want
have your strongest pokemon purified and ready for battle
Put the pokemon you want to purify into the day care and defeat pyrate colosseum 4 times, take that pokemon out of the day care, buy some cents and use them until the pokemon is about to open its heart, put it in the PC, then redo it with another pokemon, until all are about to open their hearts, go to the relic and you're ready
P.S. i once purified 20 pokemon in 2.5 hours of play

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
start on the easier lv's of vs 100, its what the place is for. I like lv's 20-40 for purifying.


Heroic Sociopath
Well, if you need to go to sleep and you still need to purify up to 7 pokemon, here's what you do:
1)put one shadow in daycare
2)put 6 shadows on team
2.5)Go to a corner that when you hold down on the joystick, the screen shakes(I used the barrels south of duking's house)
3)unplug controller
4)plug controller in while holding the joystick down
5)release joystick. if you followed step 2.5, you should see your character walking into the corner and the screen will shake
6)wait until the 6th pokemon in your team is ready for purification
7)take all the pokemon to relic stone, including the one in daycare
8(optional))repeat until all shadows are purified.

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Wish Maker
I had a lot of money so I just bought a TON of scents:) By the way, Ho-oh is awesome:)

Walking Contradiction

Feed Us a Fetus
Buy scents. A lot of them.
Go to Agate Village's Pokemart. The best scents are 1 200 pokedollars each.
If you run out of money, just keep pwning Deep Colosseum with a high-level Pokemon and a Shadow of your choice.