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Purity Forest - Decent pokemon to use


Mr Kabutops
Anyone know of a good pokemon to come here with? I was thinking maybe moltres because he's a flying/fire type, and most pokemon seem to be bug or grass.


Mr Kabutops
Eww mew? That'll take some time...


Mr Kabutops
Remember it's a lvl 1 dungeon.


Drifblim landing!
lv.1, how hard can that be? Inless its like wish cave.

Id say fire type

Like Wish Cave (Rolls eyes)

PURITY FOREST IS WAY HARDER! Purity Forest is the ultimate dungeon.
*You're reset to Lv1
*You can only take yourself, you and yourself. You're alone in there...
*You cannot take any items
*You cannot befriend Pokemon in there
*You are screwed


Heart & Soul...
acctuly purity forest is easier then joyous tower, is my opinion. I brought a treeko , I got to the top but celibi didn't join me... so now I am moltres, and I'm having a tough time leveling.


Mr Kabutops
Because legends level way slower. Maybe bringing a legend is a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Mewtwo is another excellent Pokémon to choose. It levels up at the speed as Mew. The only difference is that, Mewtwo at Level 1 has better stats than Mew, but unlike Mew, it can't learn all the TMs that you find.


Mr Kabutops
I haven't got either. I am yet to get Ho-oh and unlock mewtwo's dungeon.


Team In Flames
I used Shedinja and picked up a Pass Scarf somewhere.


Mr Kabutops
Doesn't shedinja get pwned by graveler rocks though? And what about passing through walls? I thought that made your hunger go up rapidly.


Team In Flames
Eat everything you see. ;)
Who said I had to pass through walls? (even though I did to escape Monster Houses and such)
I never got hit one... luckily enough.


Mr Kabutops
Hmm I thought the idea of shedinja WAS to go through walls. Why use him?


Team In Flames
I thought that his special ability would be useful.

Now, I think Gengar's better.


Mr Kabutops
Ah right, but he can still be tackled can't he?


Team In Flames
Not when holding a Pass Scarf. :D


Mr Kabutops
That... is evil. If only you could take one with you.