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Purity Forest: Who should I send in?


My Loyal Feraligatr
I want to get Celebi but I don't know who to use for Purity Forest's dungeon. I've tried my Cyndaquil,Latios,Kyogre and Hitmonlee. I'm thinking a pokemon that has a lot of good default moves would be good for this but I'm not sure what pokemon is good for that. Can someone help me?

Sidenote: None of the above have gotten me over Floor 10 so far.


Scyther FTW <3
Um... I know Charizard has good moves (with Heat Wave which devours Monster houses) but other tham him I have no clue.


Worldend Dominator
i heve been using alakazam with alakazam ive made it to floor 93 because i found frustatation and a pass scarf also alakazam has teleport to get out of tough parts so i wuold say alakazam with minimum or max IQ in case if you find return/frustration


Abras and kadabras are in solar cave. A link cable can be found in any of the locked rooms if you already have the hm. If not, mew


Have you seen me?
Don't Mention Claydol, I hate them.

Raichu might be good because it knows thunderbolt when it starts, but not knowing anything else is a downside.

What about a Kirlia or Gardevoir?


Well-Known Member
Don't Mention Claydol, I hate them.

Raichu might be good because it knows thunderbolt when it starts, but not knowing anything else is a downside.

What about a Kirlia or Gardevoir?

Yeah, Claydol definitely isn't as good as kirlia or gardevior, the both know teleport and have pretty strong lvl.1 attacks.


Aruseus Tamer
I would use Mew or charizard


Well-Known Member
Charizard takes forever to level up...
I had to quit with Wish Cave because the leveling was so slow, im set to catch Mew just for Puirity Forest and Wish Cave.

x sceptile x

grass master
90% of pokemon fans hate/dislike Pikachu, if you are one of the 10% who don't, copy and paste this in your signature (started by Rukario907)

x sceptile x

grass master
i like pikachu/raichu i chose pikachu as my partner on md blue he is strong and very helpful,he is now a lvl 85 raichu and is my best pokemon.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Try Mew. Levels up quick and learns any move. And x sceptile x don't post annoying messages.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
many people beat it with ease useing either Mew or alakazam. alakazam is much easier to get but mew is the second hardest to recruit in the game.

so get an alakazam, look on the early floors for a pass scarf and give it to alakazam (it makes to so almost every attack doesn't hurt you). and the TM frustration.

and by floor 10 you should be a lv 10-15.


Alakazam or Mew is the best! Trust me. :D
The strategy for Zam is to find a Pass Scarf and a LOT of food and Max Elixirs. Then all you do is go through the dungeon without for leveling.
If you are using Mew, you need to level up a lot and gather the same items. Dont worry, Mew levels up faster than most Pokemon.


Busy at the moment
I took the Mew advice- but I died on the 48th floor. ><; Oh well... *sends urgent PM to above poster*

the legend master

Well-Known Member
try a fire legend.