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this one is impossible X.x how is one expected to get though it?
I mean whats the best pokemon to use?
I mean whats the best pokemon to use?
Ok I could try that. One stupid question though, how do you evolve Kadabra in this game?
Actually, I have Charizard.
I use mew since he has high stats and lvs up quickly AND can learn every TM you find.
Gastly is also good seeing as he also lvs up quickly and can go through walls...
Erm, I dont want to level up my Abra, only to use a Alakazam once.
I edited my other post...
I dont have Mew...
But I believe there are a few Shuppets in Wish Cave and Purity Forest, which cancels out Gastly.
True, but then again every pokemon has their problems at that place and the shuppets are only on floors 81-85. The are defeated by a simple pass scarf... But I personaly beat the place with mew, in 1 try with only 1 rescue needed. (stupid parasect -_- ) Anyway that is a place I never want to go to again...
Mew pwns Wish Cave the most. And it can own Purity Forest as well.
Alakazam pwns Purity Forest. And it's for lazy levelers
But if you need to use Pass Scarf in Purity Forest, you need to find it on your own. I NEVER found a Pass Scarf and I still got out of Purity Forest.
I've never tried alakazam before, he seems good though... Anyway wish cave is super easy with mew! I just brought a pass scarf, frustration, attract, bullet seed, and thunderbolt and I destroyed that place! But MY GOD jirachi is crazy good for that place! I only beat him because I used attract on him the attacked with frustration and attract still only lasted one turn! jeez...