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PUSA/CN Rushing Through Battle Frontier?

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Unless you've been living under a Solrock for the past 2 months, you may have noticed the alarming rate at which PUSA is dubbing episodes, or CN airing them. So, does anyone think all this rushing may be because PUSA/CN want to get to DP for the games' American release, unlike what happened with Advanced, when it was a while before the dub got there?

Jay star

Coordinator Lover
Yeah that seems likely though i live in the uk lol :( poor me hehe anyway yeah that seems very likely to me ^^

EDIT: ooh my 1st 1st post outside of my own threads ^^
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Flame Haze SnS

Seems to be like it. IIRC, 14 dubbed Battle Frontier episodes has been aired since September 9th in U.S. (where I live). So, yeah, it's pretty fast.
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Yeah I thought I was the only one thinking that and we should be done with battle frontier by december/january.

Lil Brother

Just kinda there.

How in the world is the show behind the games? That's not even possible.

If anything it's ahead of the games, since Solona appeared in the anime before Pokémon Ranger's release?

As long as we don't end up getting multiple weeks of no premieres, I don't really mind. D/P will be released in spring and it would be nice to have the D/P anime premiere at the same time like what happened with GS.


[Insert Wacky Title]
Hmm, maybe they are rushing through it. Since each season is 50 ish episodes long, 1 season would take as long as 1 whole year to air (at 1 episode a week). Makes sense that they're going through it quickly.


Yeah, ok!
Here's the real answer:

We're going to have a few months of nothing but repeats because they won't air the D/P series until the D/P games come out in the U.S.

If the D/P games come out later than March '07, then we're going to have a couple of months of repeats.

Apparently you people don't remember when KidsWb used to air two new episodes each Saturday, CN is doing the same thing as them.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
To be honest, I totally would not be complaining if PUSA decided to order and dub Season 10 ahead of schedule before the fall, when new seasons generally premiere. Under WB, one of the reasons there was a summer drought of new episodes, besides airing two new episodes per week, was that 4Kids dubbed the standard 52 episodes per year, and KidsWB had already gone through the entire season's cycle and waited for 4Kids to dub and ship them the next season's episodes. (though also sometimes episodes were held over, because for some reason KidsWB didn't show new eps of anything during the summer) Now, I'm not sure if PUSA/Taj dubs eps faster than 4Kids or what, so we could very well be seeing a re-run spree, but hey, I wouldn't necessarily mind getting a bit closer to Japan.
funny we all moan when we dont get enough new episodes and when we get loads of them we moan.
We moan about getting tons of new episodes because they eventually result in no new episodes.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Well, I did some calculations, and if the episodes continue to be dubbed/aired at this rate, we will be done with the BF by late February, which makes the rumored Manaphy movie release date make sense. If this is the case, we'll prolly have only 2 months of reruns, which isn't so bad.


Yeah, ok!
The last 5 episodes of this season are D/P episodes, so those last 5 episodes will definitely be held off. This season has 47 Battle Frontier episodes and 5 D/P episodes, let's hope PUSA plays it smart and actually changes the opening when D/P begins rather than waiting until Season 10.

It'll look mighty retarded to see an opening featuring May/Drew/Harley/Max when the D/P episodes start.

It really depends on when Nintendo releases the games here. If they come out around May/June, we're in for a crapload of repeats. If the games come out sooner, then we could march right into the D/P season right away.

It'll all depends on the release date for D/P in the U.S.


Team Awesome
I've been a bit surprised by the speed too, but I've figured that they're trying to get as much before a Christmas hiatus. They'll probably break for a few weeks for reruns before they get to the rest of season nine.

I haven't minded seeing these episodes so much at a time, though. I've already seen four episodes I was dying to see going into the season ("Sweet Baby James", "Time Warp Heals All Wounds", "Queen of the Serpentine", and "Off the Unbeaten Path"), and at least one more is coming up next month ("What I Did for Love"), so I definitely can't complain. :D


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone think the Shinou Saga will start when D/P are released? The anime has always been behind or ahead of the release of games.


Well-Known Member
The point is that the episodes are getting dubbed, and they are doing the same thing KidsWB did before they disowned it.

EDIT: Heh new rank.


Yeah, ok!
Why does everyone think the Shinou Saga will start when D/P are released? The anime has always been behind or ahead of the release of games.

Because if they continue at the rate they're going now, the D/P anime will probably start around the same week the games come out in the U.S.