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PUSA, if you're reading this, I have one request that lots of people here would LOVE


Well-Known Member
So we all know how much of a badass Ash's Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile is, right? One thing that really contributed to that personality in the Japanese version was its voice. Grovyle/Juputoru's angry-sounding "Jurrr..." was several kinds of awesome, and a much different and more in-character tone that its rather average dub voice. Now that Grovyle is about to evolve in the dub, I believe this would be the perfect chance to change its voice...or, more accurately, to remove the change...that is, to keep its excellent Japanese voice just the way it is. Now, I know it sort of says the first part of its name, and that's in Japanese, but that's even kinda sketchy because of the growling tone. And other Pokemon such as Beedrill have kept their Japanese voices, despite saying their Japanese name fairly clearly. So can we PLEASE have Sceptile's Japanese voice? :D It would be massively appreciated, I'm sure. And heck, it'd save you guys the trouble and money of recording a new one. :p

(I don't know if PUSA even reads the Spoilers forum, since the only posts by PUSA people have been in the main anime forum, but since this post involves spoilers, I had to post it here to avoid trouble. Hopefully that doesn't hinder its purpose.)
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EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
Good point Geodude, it would also almost sound like they would be making a noise similar to a real animal.

Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
Considering Sceptile's debut and several episodes afterwards have already been dubbed, what they have done with it has already been done.

Unless they consider changing it outta nowhere if he is given a dub voice. :p But it's not like Sceptile's going to stay with us that much longer, anyway. :(

But I do like Sceptile's original voice. ^^
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Yeah, ok!
Yeah, whatever voice they gave Sceptile has probably been done by now.

I'm just really hoping Harley isn't screwed up. For god sakes, he has been my biggest worry voice wise since Season 9 began. Please don't screw him up.


Well-Known Member
Considering Sceptile's debut and several epsiodes have already been dubbed, what they have do with it has already been done.
You're unfortunately correct. I only wish I'd thought of posting this sooner. But maybe it's not too difficult to change, since it's a relatively small part compared to, say, a human with a speaking role that has to re-dub some lines.


Well-Known Member
I hope it does keep its jap voice as its English voice sucks


I am Juputoru the SPPf member, and I endorse this idea.

Yes, it's probably too late, but would anyone REALLY care if Sceppy's voice changed once more? Hrm? And to the uninitiated, it'd probably just sound like a normal growl, so no worries there.

I don't recall Grovyle's new dub voice if it has one, but PLEASE DEAR GOD if it's not the JP voice then let it be anything other than that horrible "GrooohhhhVILE" that made it sound like a 60 year old with lung issues. Haven't heard dub Sceppy ever, but please let that not suck either. D: At least make the voices reasonably deep and growly if nothing else. And if you're going for that, might as well use the JP voices. :p


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure Sceptile has a new voice. Grovyle wasn't that bad so maybe Sceptile will have a good voice. As long as it doesn't suck like Combusken.