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PvP in PLA


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
I'm fine with it not being in this game. I've never been much into competitive pokemon but i occasionally enjoy FalseSwipeGaming and his deep knowledge on individual pokemons.

Marbi Z

I love this game and all but really, a pokemon game where there's no PVP is just so disappointing in my opinion, having to use all these pokemon that you find along the way and you cant compete with your friends. the more I think about there are no multiplayer options anywhere and I feel like that was such a good opportunity missed. hopefully, they add more multiplayer add-ons In the future.
This was the only reason the game didn’t get a 10 out of 10 from me. Even if it’s just for fun a multiplayer PVP with the new battle style would’ve been really fun and all but gaurentee 100+ hours from me. If they decide to do a $20-30 DLC that includes it I’ll gladly lay down the money for it.