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Question about Dittos

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so im trying to breed good pokemon. Now I read u can attach an everstone to a Ditto and that way the baby gets his nature 50% of the time.
Also, if parents have better IV to begin with, itll be easier to breed a strong baby. Now, im trying to catch a modest ditto with decend stats ok. about halfway through my ditto chase, i read tat synchronize makes wild pokemon have the same nature than the synchronizing pokemon. So I placed a modest Abra with synchronize in my party's 2nd slot. I caught 22 dittos, and not a single one had the modest nature.
Did I do something wrong ?

Also, is it worth it to chase a modest ditto with good ivs ? or i should just breed a bad iv ditto with modest nature and hope to get a nice abra ?

thanks in advance


Back I guess??
you can also take a modest female abra/ka/zam and make she hold everstone.

it´s just based in luck, you have the same chance to get an abra with 31 in s.attack or one with 0 IV in s.attack.
once I catched one adamant ditto with 31 in attack in my first try! and I think that your abra must be in the 1st slot for the syncronise work (correct me please if I´m wrong)


Coral Eye Trainer
I think alot of the abilities work better if its the first pokemon in the team.. eg: Magnet Pull seems to work alot better if its the first pokemon, same with keen eyes repel-like power.
Dunno if compound eyes works better in first position, though I do have a few metal coats, dragon scales and sun stones got via a nincada in the 1st slot.
syncronize is one ability I haven't used yet.

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
This topic might get closed and asked to refer to the breeding topic in FAQ section:


dittos strictly for breeding are useful as follows:

Nature: In emerald, I use a synchronizing pokemon of desired nature, a magikarp to make the dittos transform and only do splash for easier capture, & a false-swipe pokemon to capture them in the desert underpass where there's a great chance of finding them.

IVs: bring your dittos to the breeding expert in battle frontier and he'll rate them for you. If your pokemon has a 31 IV in any stat, he'll say it's flawless. Now if there are multiple stats (ie. attack/speed), he'll randomly say which one is flawless if you keep asking him. In fire red/leaf green, I like to capture L23 dittos in the enclosed area on route 14 as I can tell right away which stats are flawless as 62 for HP is always flawless. For all other stats, 37 is flawless for the nature enhanced stat, 34 for nature neutral stats, and 30 for nature decreased. I have a naughty natured ditto with flawless attack & speed which I use strictly for IV purposes so I can pass on the IVs for future breedings since the offspring can inherit 3 of its parents IVs.

I often prefer to capture the dittos at 15% in Fr/Lg for OT purposes and lessen the trips to the breeding expert.


Hoenn Champion
I just want to say that your advice is extremly helpful, and I will get onto implimenting it right away. Thanks again for the advice.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Abilities like Synchronize ONLY work when that Pokemon is in the first slot of your party. That's all you're doing wrong.
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