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question about my chances of recruiting mew


Fire Tamer
i just beat buried relic and i have a lvl 100 charzard with a friend bow. I saw mew on floors 37 and 67 and when i killed him he didnt join me...so your chances arent very high and im platinum rank


Fire Tamer
ok i just finished buried relic like 5mins ago. Make sure your wearing a tight belt


Well-Known Member
o ya i have a question about another legendary.What are my chances with zapdos?

You could probably get Zapados on the 1st-2nd try if you have a firend bow but since you don't, you'll probably be good if you level up some more.


Well-Known Member
Its the same chance of finding her for everyone (very slim), but when you do see her, thats when if differs from everyone.


ooo, what's cooking?
grah, i just went thru buried relic again, and no mew, o why does she torture me so, like i did something to her. That is the true treasure of the relic...

mew is 1 evil chick, jeez.

if i put any more enthesis on gender, maybe someone will pointout that she is genderless, and PMD don have genders except u.


Well-Known Member
I love Mew, if I could just catch her... -mutters-

IMO Mew is a SHE so therefore, I will always call her a SHE.
I cant imagine her being a...him...or even worse, genderless.
-shudders- ;-;
To answer your question your chances are:

Mew 10% boost for lv 50-60 + base recruit rate of .9 = a chance of 10.9%
Zapdos. 10% boost for lv 50-60 + base recruit rate of 30% = a chance of 40%.

Definitely go for zapdos as you can save at the save point and if you dont get zapdos you can turn the game off then on again. I wish you could soft reset in MD. ;123;


Furret rocks
I think you have a rather low chance...


Well-Known Member
If you try for Mew, be at level 90+.
It would stink to see her and not have a high enough restrictment rate...

With the MAX boost, Groudon would have 24%, becasue 10 + 24 + (-10)=24%
I recruited Mew at Lvl. 54 with a fiend bow when I first managed to find it.Mew was sleeping in a corner, so search around the dungeon instead of waiting for it to transform.


ooo, what's cooking?
it;s recruit, not restrict, and i agree, mew is a she, i guess, o, perfect idea for a fanfic just popped up, see ya.


I wanted ketchup!!!
There is a very low chance of getting mew but pretty high for zapdos