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question about one thing

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Mmm.. Twix...
OK, I was wundering about sumthing. I have an Idea for a "contest. By "contest" I mean like the art coloring contest in the art forums and the pkm battle contests. Do I need permision from a mod? If so, how do I ask. Do I need to be an SSPF staff? If so, then too bad for me. Is there all ready a place in SSPF where it explanes this? If so, then please show and I'll just be on my way. I don't want to be spam.

EDIT: HOLY CRUD HOWD THAT SECOND THREAD OF MINE GET THERE!?!?! SRYx200 for that! Mods can delete one of these right?..... dont ban me plz........
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Staff member
For art contests, pm a mod in the Art forum to get it approved. For a battle contest, if you mean Netbattle, I think you can pm a Competitive Battling mod to get it approved. If you don't mean Netbattle, then I dunno.
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