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question about pokemon fan club

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hey in slateport, as all of u may know theres a pokemon fan club.

ok theres a guy in there that interviews you about your leading pokemon.
i was wondering if there are any secrets to getting 100 points? and i wonder what do u get if u get 100 points.

so far the most i got was 99 points after i replied "ABRA" to all four spaces
I have had 100 points before,I had my pikachu at the top and he had max cool and beauty stats.I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
I quoted.."pikachu is very cool".
I never got anything they just sayed this could be the best TV show or something it was a while ago and I can't really remember


thanx...i'll try using my jynx later...she has max beauty.

btw i tried same responses with the same pokemon but i got different points... any idea why? or is this entire system just complete random??
I don't really know,I have only had 100 once and that was with my pikachu.It may just be random,who knows.Sorry for not being a good help.
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