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question about timer balls

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
I say at least like 30.
Every ten round or so, its gets a bit stronger, 50 turns I say for great effect


Heart & Soul...
0 turns = same as pokeball (10%)
10 turns = same as great ball (15%)
20 turns = same as ultra ball (20%)
30 turns = (25%)
40 turns = (30%)
50 turns = (35%)
60 turns = (40%)
70 turns = (45%)
80 turns = (50%)
160 turns = same as masterball (100%)


#1 Munchlax Fan
The only way to make a timer ball like a Master ball would probably be 160 turns.


The new tuxedo look!
I made my timer ball into a master ball with groudon in emerald. I greatly admire ludicolo's stalling power more now.


<-- Solves any case!
Timerballs power will only increase for 40 turns. So you can't make a masterball out of it. But after 40 turns the chance is 40% so it's still very good. After 3 or so (when reached the 40 turns) you'll get the pokemon.