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Question about trading

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Active Member
If you have both DS games but one DS is it possible to set a pokemon for trade then go on to the other game and trade (this not through the internet)


PokeTrainer Miki
you can do it by GTS though unless ur pokemon gets taken by someone else


Offtopic. Stupid Serebii doesn't wanna reply my thread:mad: Does somebody know that you can trade pokemons from your emerald (or other gba game) to your ds when you have them both in there slots? And can you trade it back? The 3rd gen pkmn from ds to gba (with no new items/new moves that doesnt are fermillior in gba games)? I really need mew thats why. Wanna complete that @%@2$^@% national pokedex!


Well-Known Member
1. You shouldn't insult the Admin
2. The mods are also in charge of allowing threads
3. You can transfer pkmns from the 3rd Gen to the 4th Gen with Pal Park
4. You can't trade them back

pokemon rulez!!!!!

Awesome Dialga!
Offtopic. Stupid Serebii doesn't wanna reply my thread:mad: Does somebody know that you can trade pokemons from your emerald (or other gba game) to your ds when you have them both in there slots? And can you trade it back? The 3rd gen pkmn from ds to gba (with no new items/new moves that doesnt are fermillior in gba games)? I really need mew thats why. Wanna complete that @%@2$^@% national pokedex!

YOU LISTIN NOW!!!!!!!!! You don't insult Joe or any other mod or member here under any curcumstances. I'm not trying to be mean but if somebody reports you or a mod or somebody sees you state that you may get banned forever.
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