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Question on the Emerald set.

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Well-Known Member
I recently bought two packs from EX:Emerald after not getting any new cards since EX:Sandstorm and in those two packs I got a Camerupt EX and a Regirock EX, however in those two I also got a holographic energy instead of the usually reverse holo, so what I'm wondering is, does every pack from the emerald set come with a holo energy when you also get a Pokemon EX?

Another thing I've been wondering about, is what does the term "boxtopper" mean anyways?


< Owns You.
Nope, ive only gotten one EX(dusclops) from the emerald set and i have no holo energies



Obsessive Beader/Mod
These Energies replace the alternate holo in 1/3 packs of the Emerald set.

A boxtopper is a card that comes by itself in a box of Pokemon cards. For example, if you buy a box of Emerald, on top of the packs when you open it is this Farfetch'd:


You can't obtain the card in regular packs, only from buying a box, hence the name.
Slypher said:
I recently bought two packs from EX:Emerald after not getting any new cards since EX:Sandstorm and in those two packs I got a Camerupt EX and a Regirock EX, however in those two I also got a holographic energy instead of the usually reverse holo, so what I'm wondering is, does every pack from the emerald set come with a holo energy when you also get a Pokemon EX?

Another thing I've been wondering about, is what does the term "boxtopper" mean anyways?
No, they dont, but it would be mad if it did.

A box topper is a pokemon card that u get when u buy a box of pokemon cards[not tin, BOX!] It's one of those 98/97 cards like Absol from Team Aqua/Magma set. Otherwise, they are secret rare cards from packs.


Coral Eye Trainer
Crystal Suicune said:
No, they dont, but it would be mad if it did.

A box topper is a pokemon card that u get when u buy a box of pokemon cards[not tin, BOX!] It's one of those 98/97 cards like Absol from Team Aqua/Magma set. Otherwise, they are secret rare cards from packs.

Box meaning the one that includes around 36 (I think it is) boosters?

I saw one of those for cheap on Ebay of Unseen Forces, but my mother said no because I was buying other cards previously to it. :(


Where's my fanfare?
Shiloh Phoenix said:
How in the world did you get 2 ex's in 2 packs?!...you must teach me these secrets...
When Unseen Forces came out, after I purchased my boxes, I opened the first box for the store I work at to sell, and I decided to get 3 COMPLETELY RANDOM packs. I pulled the three Pokemon ex of the box ;s. I also did the same with a box of Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Beginnings 2 where I opened 2 packs and got a Blue Eyes White Dragon and a Change of Heart... IN THE SAME DAY O_O!

To be on-topic, though the case-variations probably changed drastically since the set came out. Out of 15 boxes I opened (I went crazy and got 11 for myself, 1 box is accounted for from the store, 3 boxes for a tournament I held) Any pack that had a Pokemon ex also had a Matrix Energy. These were also found in a specific design (as I've posted before about TRR and Deoxys), which was the Groudon Design. I took the liberty to track my pulls from Emerald, and I also found that in the Kyogre designed packs, there came a Matrix Energy with every Foil Rare. The rest were scattered.

Up until Unseen Forces, each standard box of EX sets, starting with F/L from what I can tell, had a bad packaging process where the Pokemon ex would all be found in the same-designed pack. This pack varied from time-to-time as production went on, and I believe that they eventually fixed it. However, what remains true is that per pack design per box (unless there is a packing error), you will get 3 Holo-foil rares, and one of the designs will have the 3 designated ex's or 2 ex's and 1 *.

Interestingly enough, I opened a case of EX Delta Species and found another pattern. The way a case of Pokemon cards is packed, there are three boxes across and two boxes high, so you have three stacks of two. In going with a pattern, the top three boxes are in one set, and the bottom three are of another. When opening the first box, note the location of the pack that has the Eeveelution ex Then open that pack location in the other two boxes. Those should be the three right there.

Yes.. I spend too much time analyzing this data, but it benefits me and my former league's players, where I could use the leftover 'searched' packs for cheap draft tournaments. I make some of my money back, and get cards I wanted, and the kids get packs for less than $1.50, usually $1.00 a pack, and prizes too. I also do mention that the Pokemon ex are removed btw >>
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