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Question X_X


Poké Girl
Hi i have a little question i heard you can trade early in the GBA games if you do it through Colosseum is this true? because so far it worked on Emerald i could trade before i defeated the Elite4 but when i try to do it now with Leaf Green it says im not far enough ingame to trade. anyway so the main question is can i trade through Colosseum if i start over With Emerald right after i get the pokedex and pokeballs can i trade? because im starting over to get treeko and i have my mudkip on fire red now and when i start Emerald over i want to trade mudkip back to Emerald right away if anyone knows please let me know thank you :)


I said, Bring It ON!
to trade with:
r/s/e anytime past very begining
fr/lg after both games have national dex
collo/xd: beat final cipher boss


Poké Girl
Lucky me i dont have that Game :p i just borrowed Colosseum from my nephew to get a Cyndaquil :)